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Why...why does this house look exactly like mine?
Vessel: "Well, I mean, you told Ralsei. Guess the cat's out of the bag."
My arms rip out my soul as I collapse on the ground.
Susie: "Kris? KRIS! You get up, right? RIGHT?"
Ralsei: "Susie, Noelle, I need to talk to you about Kris. They're a bit...unnatural to say the least."

"God...Vessel, why'd you do that?"
"I want to get a closer look at that house."
"You''re not Vessel...they got scrapped. Thrown into another endless void like the trillion others."
"You''re right...Kris? Is that you? I've gotten you mixed up so many would not believe how many striped shirt kids there are."
"Yes, I'm Kris. Who are you?"
"Greetings. I'm Chara."
" I know you?"
"Ah, forgot. Not everyone with a red soul can reality shift. Like Vessel and you."
"You're a reality shifter?"
"You are too now. You're not supposed to be here. Look, try not to associate with the clones reality breaks."
"Is this your world?"
"Wait...if I'm here...FRISK? AZZY? ANYONE?"

" know Azzy?"
"He was...well, he was just my best friend."
"But he died. Car crash. I think Dess died too."
"But...he...he died because the humans..."
Chara grabs their knife.
"Did you kill Azzy?"
"No, why would I-"
"He's my brother!"
"He was mine too!"
"So...they died in both realities?"
"Also, uh, sorry for making so many fountains."
"I know."
"So, uh, Player kind of...came back. Again. For the 3rd time. Apparently some guy named Writer or something's trying to torture us."

Wait what you're not supposed to know that

"Supposedly adds drama, bloodshed, action, wondering if the guy's actually mettaton."
"Um, can you, uh, stop possessing me randomly? Kinda cramped here."
"Oh, sorry."

*Snapping back to reality*

Ralsei: "That's why Kris is acting like that. They can't control when they take out their soul."
Kris: "Hi, guys."
Susie: "Jeez, FINALLY you came back."
Noelle: "Kris! Don't scare us like that!"
Kris: "Stop talking. My head hurts like hell."
Chara: "Oh, sorry, that's the side effects of a spirit turning into a ghost. Sorry"
A thud comes from the place we fell down.
Kris: "What the hell was that?"
Ralsei: "Well, let's go find out!"

???: "God, that hurt like hell...always does. Even after 100 times."
Chara: "...Frisk?"
Susie: "'s a little kid."
*Don't ask why in my other books they're 17 they're 12 now because they anti-age when they reality shift or some shit idk*
Chara: "Frisk! Uh...mind...changing me back to normal?"
Frisk: "Oh, yeah, sorry, Char-a..."
Is that...a spellbook?

Chara: "Thanks, Frisky."
Susie: "Am I the only one who's asking WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?"

Undertale Gang: "Aight guys. Listen up. We're reality shifters. Chara got stuck in Kris and I went back to my universe. You guys aren't supposed to be here. Wait, Chara, did you teleport them in here?"
Chara: "Sorr-ee, but how else was I supposed to get here?"
Frisk: "sigh...guess we'll have to complete the game again."
Ralsei: "Umm...if you don't mind me asking...who are you?"
Frisk: "Well, in a different UNIVERSE, I'm married to Chara."
Susie: "wait what the hell"

"There's this guy named like Charisma or something. They like to make these little portals called stories. Then, each portal is read by other people. After that we get sucked into there and are forced to do whatever they write."
Chara: "I've seen too much, Frisky. TOO MUCH. GOD DAMNIT STOP MAKING ME MURDER"

Writer: Well um you guys know too much let's just uh real quick
*Erase memory*
"Now uh you guys let's just tp you guys back to the house and uh there you are now uh go play undertale or something"
Susie: "Well, if you guys HAVE to come, let's go."
Chara: "Just because you are taller than all of us DOESN'T MEAN-"
Frisk: "Chara. Let it go. I'll buy you a chocolate bar down at Snowdin, 'kay?"

So uh I may have made the characters go a little er
Too deep into real life
So uh yeah
I'm juggling 3 ships at once
Minor Charisk and Suselle and then we'll just uh have the Kralsei literally everywhere
660 words
Oh and uh some life advice

Wear your school
Drugs are good for you
Get plenty of seatbelts
Stay away from any type of vegetables

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