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Azaan was looking at Rayan with anger and started walking towards him. Abeer instantly stood in front of Rayan blocking her brother's path. She held Rayan's hand in her hands tightly.

"Abeer." Azaan threatened her.

"Bhai it's mine and Rayan's personal matter. Please forget everything." Abeer pleaded and her hold tightened on her husband's hand. Her husband is her everything. He also made a mistake but she wants a beautiful and happy life with him. Everyone deserves a second chance then why not her husband. Even he had gone through a lot.

"What personal? He used to torture you mentally meri jaan and you are taking his side. If I would have known about this unhappy marriage of yours, I would have taken you back home." Azaan gritted out while glaring at Rayan.

Rayan was looking at his hand which Abeer was tightly holding in her grip. He felt peaceful and warm due to her touch and his heart felt content because she was protecting him no matter what happened in the past he knew she was ready to start anew with him and so was he. He was ready to fall in love with her. He was desperate to fall in love with her and he knew it will happen soon or has it already happened?

"Leave him Abeer." Azaan threatened her but she was adamant and turned towards Rayan and hugged him hard and so did he.

"Azaan Bhai......"

"Don't Rayan. I trusted you for my sister but you. You hurt her, and even called her pampered. Yes she is pampered but not in wrong way. She knows her limits and you even said that she interferes in your life, so let this nuisance go away and live your life freely. No one shouted on her except you and you want to me trust you again. Never." Azaan yelled at him.

Abeer ran her eyes at her surroundings and surprisingly she saw her whole family standing behind her brother except her mother, father and dadi,who had gone on Hajj and were not present in India. She had failed to notice them.

"Abeer will go with us." Ibrahim announced and stood beside his elder brother.

"Bhai atleast you try to understand that it's mine and Rayan's personal matter. We are husband and wife and it's our relationship and you don't have any right to interfere." She shouted on her brothers. For a second both of them were shocked and Rayan made her face him and caressed her cheek and said," No Abeer they are your elder brothers. It's wrong to shout on them."

Abeer nodded and said a sorry. But her brothers were busy shooting daggers with their eyes at Rayan whose eyes were not able to meet theirs.

"Let them solve their matter themselves Azaan." Saima held her husband's arm.

"Bhabhi is correct." Dua interfered and walked near Abeer while balancing her baby bump.

"Enough." Azaan's scary voice quietened everyone present over there. Ibrahim walked towards his wife and helped to sit inside the car and after that he held Abeer's arm and Azaan motioned his wife to settle inside the car.

"Ibrahim Bhai Azaan Bhai. I am sorry please give a last chance, I swear I will not at all hurt your sister again. I promise." Rayan held Abeer's other hand tightly.

"Ammi please stop them. Please." Raziya who was standing and had seen the whole drama being unfolded in front of her eyes but kept quiet. She knew Rayan has to work hard to rectify his mistakes. Though Abeer had already forgiven him but others cannot and she herself can't.
Ibrahim pulled Abeer and made her sit inside the car.

She kept on sobbing but her brothers were adamant. Though their wives tried to reason with them but they hushed them.

Rayan stood like a statue and kept on watching the car till it disappeared. Rayan's vision blurred and with long steps he made his way towards his car and sat inside. He will get his Abeer back no matter what. She is his wife and he has every right over her. Even more than her brothers.

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