Chapter 3- Morales

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I knocked on the door to the Morales residence. Mrs. Morales greeted me with a smile, then hugged me. She knew me fondly ever since she admitted to Miles talking nonstop about me. She invited me into the apartment. Unlike my home, it felt like an actual family lived there. Not like a building office.

"Miles! Your friend is here!" Mrs. Morales called.

Miles was smiling as he walked out of his bedroom in a white t-shirt and navy blue sweatpants. He looked kinda cute with that tired look. But, it was Miles's idea for me to come over. Mostly to do homework, but also to watch this new action movie that Miles could not contain his excitement for when we watched the official trailer.

Miles grabbed multiple blankets, snacks, and made popcorn. Meanwhile, I popped the rented movie into the DVD player hooked up to the TV. The drinks were in front of us along with our favorite snacks on the coffee table; the popcorn was between us, blankets covered us, and my feet were propped up on the chaise comfortably.

The trailer was so different from the actual movie. Thirty minutes in, Miles was able to fall asleep when there was supposed to be at least five fight scenes before that mark from what the trailer depicted. His head landed back on the chaise before laying still on my shoulder. I blushed, but let him as I absently watched the movie.

"Ay Dios mio." Mrs. Morales walked over and noticed the two of us. "Are you okay, (Y/n)?"

"Completely fine, Mrs. Morales," I assured her. "Would you like my help with anything?"

Mrs. Morales shook her head. "Enjoy the movie."

Miles woke up right before the TV blared the credits. There was not a post credit scene. Miles groaned, probably from realizing he had fallen asleep and that he slept through the entire movie. He sat up, rubbing his neck, and looked at me for a moment. I had a soft smile as I gave him a moment to process everything.

"Was my head on your shoulder?" The question became more and more fearful as he spoke.

"Yes," I answered bluntly. I looked over at him, noticing his wide eyes. "Miles, it's not the first time and I bet you it won't be the last."

"When was the first time?" Miles questioned, startled by my statement.

"That time when my parents dragged me along to see a nature documentary in the theater, so I dragged you along," I explained. "Fell asleep within five minutes."

"Well, that's a bad track record," Miles commented.

"Oh, yeah?" I asked. "I cry during children's movies."

"When was the last time you saw one of those?" Miles asked.

"Last weekend. I absolutely bawled my eyes out when they were having an emotional moment," I admitted with a smile.

"You're so soft," Miles joked.

"Says the guy who stops and wants to pet a dog every time he sees one," I remarked.

"You don't?" Miles snapped, still smiling.

"My uncle had a dog. Big, tough thing, never wanted to be touched. I've gotten used to it," I explained.

"Miles!" Mr. Davis called. He walked into the living room area. "Oh. Hey, (Y/n)."

"Hey, Mr. Davis," I greeted back. "Any stories for us today?"

"Roughhousing teenagers and stupid robbers, (L/n), that's about it," Mr. Davis answered. "You two were watching a movie?"

"It was way worse than what we saw in the trailers," Miles explained. "Like, come on. It's not an action movie if you're just sitting at the bar for thirty minutes."

"That's all he saw until he passed out," I added to Mr. Davis.

Mr. Davis snorted. "Last time he stayed awake for a movie was right after he woke up in the morning and then fell right back asleep on the couch."

Miles smiled. "Dad, come on." He looked at me. "Are we still going to that art museum next weekend?"

"Absolutely. There's supposedly some new Lady Pink works, but I could just be hopeful," I explained.

Mrs. Morales walked into the room. "Are you staying for dinner, (Y/n)?"

I frowned apologetically. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Morales. My mom's expecting me home for dinner."

"Don't be sorry, (Y/n)," Mrs. Morales assured me.

I helped Miles clean up our movie stuff, then grabbed my phone. He held out his arms and I wrapped my own around his neck. He hugged my waist, making me smile. He then pulled away, not wanting his parents to make a scene. Again.

Definitely just my best friend.

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