Chapter 13- The Death of Peter Parker

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"Peter, can you hear me?"

Peter was going to Fisk Industries to stake out the collider and destroy it. He had me hooked up to a com in the Spider base. I sat there in my Spider suit. I was kind of getting sick of the same colors as Peter, so I sat there wondering if I could make a suit with the tech Peter had lying around.

"Loud and clear, kid," Peter assured me. "I'll let you know if anything happens."

"Got it," I replied. "I'm probably going to start that project I was working on."

"Just be cautious, (Y/n). Even a tiny hole in the universe could make it collapse," Peter advised.

"I'm hoping the tiniest hole possible will be enough to get what I want," I explained.

The com beeped, meaning Peter turned off his end until he needed me.

The collider got me interested in the possibility of a multiverse. Millions of universes, similar to others. Possibly filled with other superheroes, other supervillains. I thought of interdimensional communication devices to start with, made up of old watches. Eventually, I would be able to make them in hours by hand with new parts.

I felt the ground shake, and the lights turned out for a minute. They came back on and I looked at my suit in the case. My spider-sense went off. Rumbling plus spider-sense is never good. I tapped the com, but static came through the other end.

I raced out of the base, pulling on my mask as I pulled my new motorcycle out of the base. I made my way into the streets of Brooklyn. I had begged him to let me come with him, but he was afraid something would happen to me. In reality, I was more worried something would happen to him.

But why didn't he call me?

"Get rid of the body," was all I heard loud and clear from his com before it shut off completely.

I heard a motorcycle coming a few streets away and my senses went off. I rode over to the sound and saw a kid being chased. Prowler was right behind him. I ditched my bike, shooting electrical webs at the motorcycle. Prowler's motorcycle went off of the road and into an alley, making a loud crash.

I picked the kid up, not even caring who it was. I landed them on the roof, panting.

"Thanks, Spider-Girl."

I looked up and froze in shock. Miles. He looked at me with adoration and relief. My head started to pound, like my senses were going off. But they were louder. Like a call. I realized the same thing was happening to Miles as he squeezed his eyes shut, then put a hand to his head.

No. No. Not possible.

"Not you," I breathed, afraid. "Why did you have to get bitten, Miles?"

"How do you know my name?" Miles asked.

"No." I squeezed my fists, trying to tell myself that wasn't what I thought it was. "I thought I could keep you safe. I thought I could protect you and Peter! But now he's dead!"

"Why are you trying to keep me safe?" Miles looked at me, bewildered.

"Wait, why are there even two of us?" I sighed. "This doesn't make any sense."

"SG, what's going on?" Miles asked. "Why are you talking like you know me? Do you know me?"

Hesitation filled my mind. Miles was getting closer to me. Tears were about to stain the mask from being overwhelmed by emotion. My dad was dead. What if Miles was caught by Prowler? I fought back tears as I removed my mask, my hair flooding my face. I squeezed the mask in my hand as the tears flooded my eyes.

Miles looked at me in shock. His eyes studied me, as if trying to see if I was actually someone else. His hands reached up and rested on my cheeks, then wiped away the tears from my eyes. He pulled me into a hug, surprising me. It took me a second to hug him back.

"I'm always going to be here, sunflower," he promised. "'M never leaving you."

"Never leaving you, either," I replied.

Miles leaned up and kissed my temple, making me blush. I finally realized our situation and pulled my mask back on. I grabbed Miles by the waist and swung him to my house. Mom was crying when we walked in the door. Dad's picture showed up on the screen, announcing his death. I comforted her, hugging her tightly.

"Is Miles okay?" MJ barely managed to ask.

"He saw... everything," I admitted.

Miles nodded shamefully. "I'm so sorry, Mrs. Parker."

"He died being a hero. That's what he wanted," Mom admitted.

Miles stayed the night. Mom knew we weren't stupid, so we slept in the same room. His arms wrapped around me as I periodically cried about my father's death. He drew shapes on my back, knowing it was no use to say not to cry. He knew I needed it. I fell asleep in his arms, letting the last tears fall out of my eyes before sleeping.

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