Chapter 10- Again

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Okay, I guess we're doing this again.

My name is (Y/n) Parker. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for the last year, I've been the one and only Spider-Girl. I was taken in by Peter Parker, who became my mentor and my adoptive father. Saved the city, fell in love, saved the city some more.

My uncle died days after I got my powers. My parents died from a bullet from Kingpin and were burned in a car crash. I almost died from a bullet by Kingpin. But the best part? I kept fighting. I've been fighting for a month, training with my family, and having the best time with my boyfriend of over six months, Miles Morales.

Dad knocked on my door. "(Y/n)? Are you awake?"

"Yeah, Dad, just getting one last thing," I said, throwing my sunflower bracelet on. A gift from Miles a couple of weeks after moving into this lovely home.

I wheeled my suitcase to the front door and set my backpack down next to it. I sat down at the table, where I calmly ate my breakfast. Dad swept his hair back as he tried to find his keys.

"Are you sure you don't need anything?" Mom asked.

"Mom, I'm fine. I'll call you if I need anything, okay?" I assured her, finishing the rest of my breakfast.

"Your costume is in the compartment, right?" Dad asked, rushing around the kitchen.

I smiled. "And my web shooters under my sleeves. Trust me, Dad, I know better than to leave without them."

"That's our girl," Mom said as she hugged me. "Are you sure you're okay walking to school? I could drive you."

"No, Mom, it's okay. You and Dad need to go to work. I'm fine on my own. Good exercise too, right?" I reasoned.

"Okay." Mom sighed, smiling. "Love you, alright?"

"Love you too!" I called out as I grabbed my stuff and walked out the door.

I slipped my headphones on before I started walking down the street. I tried to run slightly, but took it easy after. My torso still slightly hurt whenever I did. The doctors said it would take a long time to fully heal. Guess what torso? It's been almost three months!

I finally made it to VISIONS and walked in, ducking my head down. A teacher handed me my information. I nodded to him and slipped my headphones back on. No distractions.

I changed my mind when I heard a police siren. I walked over to the main entrance.

"You gotta say 'I love you' back."

"Dad, are you serious?"

"I wanna hear it."

I leaned against the door frame. "You wanna hear me say it? I love you, Dad."

"You're dropping me off at a school."

"'I love you, Dad.'"

"Look at this place!"

"'Dad, I love you.'"

"Dad, I love you."

"That's a copy. Tie your shoes, please."

I shook my head with a smile at him. He hung his head as he walked up next to me.

"You heard everything, didn't you?" Miles groaned.

I smiled. "Sure did."

"Wipe that smile off your face," Miles said teasingly.

I straightened his tie. "Not gonna happen. I actually had a good morning, unlike you."

"I was drawing," Miles reasoned.

"I noticed." I remembered the sticker attached to the street sign. "And you got in trouble."

"Like always." Miles snorted. "Go find your locker and your dorm. I love you."

"I love you too." I showed him the bracelet quickly before running off to find my dorm.

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