Chapter 27- The Spider Society

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We went through the interdimensional portal once again. This time, with Miles along intentionally. We landed on an ascending platform. Hobie took off his mask, making me stare at him in awe. He gave Miles a little acknowledgement, screwing up his face on one side.

"How are you even cooler under your mask?" Miles questioned in disbelief.

Hobie put his hands in his pockets. "I was this cool the whole time."

I finally took off my mask. Hobie smiled for a moment at me. I then realized that we were upside down by the way gravity was slowly pushing down on us. And when we got to ground level, trees were upside down. Everything looked futuristic, and I couldn't help but stare.

"Hey, over here," Gwen hissed.

The door opened, leading us into a common area for other spiders.

"Yo, this place is wild!" Miles exclaimed.

"Any sign of Spot?" Jess asked a spider.

"Hey, let me ask. Anybody spot Spot?" the spider joked.

"Oh, so funny," Jess said sarcastically. "Anybody else got jokes?"

"Hundreds of other spider people, like us," I whispered in disbelief. "Variants."

"This is unbelievable," Miles agreed.

"This is the lobby," Gwen admitted. "Welcome to the Spider Society."

Hobie walked past us as we started to walk into the pathway. "It's a bit much, innit?"

"What happened to that small elite strike team?" Miles asked.

"A lot of these are part time," Gwen explained.

Miles started to glitch, making me jump. I immediately threw on his old watch. It stopped him, so that meant that the component worked. I powered it on, connecting to my watch and the new watch Mindy snapped around my wrist. I wondered if it was something Gabby had worked on for us.

Wow, a lot happened in so little time. But so much to explain with little time.

A car pulled up to the corner we were at. It was red and blue with yellow seats.

"Peter, take a team to the transport deck to deal with this Spot mess," Jess instructed.

"I wouldn't call it a mess," I reasoned.

"More like a success in progress," Miles agreed.

"Ben, I need-"

"Sorry, I can't talk right now. I'm thinking about my past," the man said dramatically.

"Actually, we need you here for some reason," Jess replied.

Ben groaned. "That was a particularly harrowing memory."

"Is he okay?" Miles asked.

A horse neighed in my face, making me jump back. Miles caught me from behind.

"Hey," the cowboy greeted. "Name's Webslinger."

"Why does the horse need a mask?" Miles asked.

"To conceal her face." The cowboy raised an eyebrow. "Giddy, up!" The horse was raised to the ceiling by webs.

We walked past a section filled with cages. They looked like they were made of lasers.

"Who are in these laser cages?" I asked curiously.

"Anomalies." Lyla appeared next to Miles. "Folks who wound up in the wrong dimension."'

"We kick their butts and send them home," Jess added.

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