Chapter 14- AJ Parker

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I kept working in the basement the next day. Anything to distract me from my father's death. Miles went back to VISIONS, stalling for me while I wasn't there. Thankfully, no one really connected the fact that I was adopted by Peter Parker at school. So, everything was quiet.

"Woah. This place is a lot bigger than I thought."

I turned around, startled. She looked at me in surprise and we both held out our wrists.

"You shouldn't be down here," I said menacingly.

"Relax, Parker. I'm you, except I'm from another dimension."

I lowered my arm. "Who are you?"

"AJ Parker, daughter of the infamous Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson." The girl smiled. "Who are you?"

"(Y/n) (L/n), now Parker, adopted daughter of the infamous Peter and MJ Parker," I said, walking over to her.

"They're still married?" AJ questioned.

I smiled softly. "Of course. Why would you think they're not?"

"In my dimension, my parents got divorced. Dad broke, Mom tried to move on, but failed. Dad's been trying to ask her out for weeks." AJ giggled.

"We're almost the same person," I stated.

"We are." She nodded. "I've seen you fight from news clips. You're not very experienced."

"I've only done this for about a year," I protested.

"I'd help you train. I've been doing this for two. I could show you a couple of things," AJ offered.

I smiled. "I'd love to. Although, right now, I'm working on this thing for my roommate, Gwen."

"What's the point of this?" AJ asked curiously.

"The point is so we could communicate. Text, call. I'm working on adding a portal feature, which should maintain a rift in the space-time continuum without making it collapse," I explained.

Worth It came on and I went into focus mode. I moved the holograms around as I worked, fixing the technicalities of the watches. I smiled when I finished the test drive and put a watch under a blue light. The computer went to work, and I watched it turn. This one was going to be Gwen's, if it works.

I put AJ to work when Gwen's watch was done. It showed her name on it as I put it on. The hologram showed up, and I marveled at it. It could work. I could finally conclude my hypothesis. It was going to work.

"Is this going to work?" AJ asked quietly.

"I hope so. Tenth time's a charm, right?" I said with hope in my voice. "Is anyone in your dimension?"

"I don't know about Dad. We'll try Miles." AJ tapped into the base in her dimension. "Miles? Are you there?"

"I can hear you loud and clear, AJ. I'm holding up for you, don't worry." I could hear the smile in the boy's voice.

I blushed. He sounded just like my Miles.

AJ looked at me, smiling. "Hey, I met someone new. In an alternate dimension."

"Who'd you meet?" the boy asked curiously.

"Well, I gotta go. See you back home soon, AJ," Miles said.

"Bye, Miles," AJ said as the watch beeped.

"We did it!" I said with a bright smile.

"We did!" AJ echoed. She studied my face. "Why are you blushing?"

"I have a Miles in this dimension," I admitted. "But now to make copies for each of the spider-people." I set one of the watches in the blue light as I took mine out. It was the perfect design for me. (F/c), white, and black. I was hoping I could make my new suit the same colors.

AJ noticed my hands. "(Y/n), you're sparking."

I looked down at my hands as the machine started. "Sorry. Happens when I'm excited."

Sunflower came on and I took deep breaths, relaxing myself. My hands stopped sparking and I opened my eyes with a small smile. Everything in my body relaxed, and I felt so grateful for it. It helped me get rid of the bad thoughts. I started the machine to make my new suit.

"This is the song that relaxes you?" AJ questioned.

"Sometimes, yeah," I said absentmindedly as AJ's watch finished. "Here." I tossed it to her.

She smiled, catching it and putting it on her wrist. "Thanks."

My new suit had a (f/c) hood, covering my black mask with (f/c) surrounding my white eyes. My chest was white with a web branching out across the piece. Both of my forearms had a white strip with a web starting at my elbows and ending at my wrists. The sections were separated from the black sleeves by an arrow-shaped strip of (f/c).

An (f/c) arrow facing downward separated the white from my black pants. I had the same thing on my forearms covering my knees. AJ braided my hair to let my (h/c) hair hang out of the right side of the hood.


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