Chapter 22- Gwen

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Miles was late.

I was invited by Mr. Davis himself to the party. I was more than happy to accept it. Miles barely helped me pick out the dress when we were talking over the phone. I found it endearing how with every dress I sent him, he would say I would look stunning in it. I settled for a peach colored blouse with some thick leggings to combat the cool breeze.

I smiled as Mrs. Morales tried to entertain the crowd until Mr. Davis interjected. I snuck down the stairs of the apartment, watching out for Miles. I helped Miles carefully take the cakes upstairs, looking down to avoid attention.

"Oye!" Mrs. Morales got Miles's attention. "You were supposed to be here at five."

"I know, I know, but-"

"The cakes were backed up," I interrupted politely. "Miles was texting me during your speech, which is why I walked out."

Mrs. Morales frowned and took her son's arm. "Thank you, (Y/n). Excuse us."

Miles got sent back to his apartment. I frowned and quietly left the party. I almost felt awkward leaving through the escape and walking down to Miles's apartment. I had been there so many times before, yet it felt like I was entering it for the first time and meeting his parents.

I knocked on his bedroom door, opening it slowly. The room was dark except for the little light the setting sun let in. Miles had his headphones on, making me smile, as he looked so relaxed. I carefully laid down next to him. Immediately, Miles had my chest against his, his lips against my forehead, and a calming atmosphere set.

That was, until things started to float.

"(Y/n)! Miles!" It was Gwen. "Got a minute?"



She fell through the portal, immediately pulling me into a hug. I smiled and laid my head on her shoulder. I had my friend back. Miles tore his headphones off, Gwen pulling him into the hug. Miles and I pulled away after a moment.

"How-How did you get—How have you been?" Miles asked.

"Uh, I've been good," Gwen replied. "I've been—Yeah, just great. Look at you two!"

"Yeah. Did you dye your hair?" I questioned. "Dude, that looks awesome."

"So, what are you doing here?" Miles pulled me back by waist. "I mean, we thought we'd never see you again."

Gwen sat on the windowsill. "Wanna get out of here?"

"Duh," I said, quickly letting the nanotech run over my body.

"I'm grounded," Miles admitted with a cringe.

"Bummer." Gwen fell from the window. We looked down and saw her with her mask on and standing on the wall of the building. "Is Spiderman grounded?"

"I mean, I-" Miles stopped, looking at me and then smiling.


"Wait, wait, wait, hold on!" Miles shouted as we fell.

"There's an elite society with all the best Spider-people in it?" I questioned.

"Okay, so there's this lady. Jess Drews. She rides a motorcycle and, oh my gosh, I'm learning so much from her," Gwen gushed.

"I've learned a lot of stuff from her too," Miles commented, pointing at me.

"Oh, yeah? Let's see it then."

I fell through the air with a grin, turning invisible when I almost hit street level. I looked like a sneaky acrobat. Gwen and Miles looked at me in awe as I reappeared above them, swinging freely with a bit of flare and confidence in my swings.

Just like how Gabby taught me.

"And Miguel! The whole thing was his idea," Gwen continued.

"And who's Miguel?" Miles asked.

"Oh. He's like a ninja vampire Spiderman, but a good guy?" Gwen explained.

"That's a good guy?" I commented.

"I'd pay good money to see that," Miles added. "So, how long ago did they add you?"

"Only, like, a few months ago," Gwen explained.

I grinned as I swung next to Gwen. She looked like she was smiling back at me. "Look at you two."

"Look at us," I replied. "So, this club-"

"Look at that dumb-dumb," Gwen said, noticing a thief on the streets.

"What kind of stuff do you do?"

"The guy with the strips."

I webbed the guy once he grabbed the purse. The guy yanked back, letting go of the purse. Miles grabbed the purse and handed it back to the woman. I tied up the guy upside down on the lamppost.

"We're trying to keep the multiverse from collapsing," Gwen explained.

"Didn't we do that already?" Miles questioned.

"Like last week, we had this mission to some Shakespearean dimension, and Hobie and I, just, like-"

"Hobie?" I questioned.

"Oh my gosh, you two would love him. He lets me crash in his dimension sometimes," Gwen admitted.

"You stay overnight?" Miles asked.

"Anyway, listen, they're pretty strict on where I go or I really would have come to see you two sooner," Gwen assured us.

"Right. So, why'd you come now?" Miles asked.

"We missed you, Gwen," I added. "So, what's going on?"

She disappeared for a moment, then reappeared behind both of us.

"Come on," Gwen said with a little laugh.

We walked along the Williamsburg Bank Building. Gwen and Miles walked on the side while I sat upside down, looking over the city. She hopped down and sat next to me upside down. She laid her head on my shoulder. Miles then joined us, sitting next to me and holding my hand.

"How're things with you?" Gwen asked softly. "Miss being your roommate."

"Um... Well, Mom had a kid." I pulled up a picture on my watch, showing her the beautiful boy. "We named him PJ, but Mom calls him Benny."

Gwen grinned. "That's awesome!" She looked out at the city. "It is really great to see you guys again."


"Yeah. I mean, how many people can you talk to about this stuff?" Gwen reasoned.

"You don't even know," Miles agreed.

Gwen looked at our hands, Miles's hand larger than mine, and smiled. "What?" I asked curiously.

She paused for a moment. "In every other universe, Gwen Stacy falls for Spiderman." Miles squeezed my hand at that. "And in every other universe, it doesn't end well."

I frowned. "I know."

"I almost wonder, weirdly, if it would have been you or me," Miles whispered to me.

"You." I looked out at the city. "I got my powers first. That night that I saved you from the Prowler... I don't think you would have been as lucky."

"Well, it's the first time for everything. Right?" Miles reasoned, squeezing my hand tighter.

The three of us. Just like I've always wanted.

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