Chapter 25- Earth-50101

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"Miles?" Gwen and I questioned.

The Spot kicked us away and got out of the webs. Gwen saved herself, but I kept falling. Miles caught me with one of his webs right before I hit the ground, pulling me just as I was about to brace myself for impact. I could hear Gwen's relief as I was pulled up into Miles's arms.

"Did you follow us?" Gwen snapped.

"No. I just saw where you went, and went there without you knowing," Miles explained.

"You're not supposed to be here," Gwen argued.

"What are you talking about? I'm helping-"

Miles glitched, causing me to fall again. I screamed, reaching for Gwen or Miles. Just as I was about to hit the pavement, I was webbed up. But it wasn't by either of them. I saw a gold web shooter type bracelet fling through the air. It almost reminded me of a yo-yo. The spider of this dimension landed, standing on his arm for a moment.

"Hey, who're the new guys?" the guy asked.

"Hey, Pav," Gwen greeted. "He's Miles and she's (Y/n), and he wasn't invited."

Pav's eyes widened. "You weren't invited and you came anyway?"

"Right?" Gwen agreed.

"Hey, new guy's in love," Pav teased. "Oh, I'm very good at reading people."

"No, he's not," Gwen blurted.

"Who are you?" Miles questioned.

"I'm glad you asked, new guy!"

"I'm not a new guy."

"My name is Pavitr Prabhakar. And for the past six months-"

"Six months? And even he got a watch?" Miles questioned.

"He uh-uh-"

"Being Spiderman is so easy! I wake up. Skip the workout because I'm naturally buff and I don't want to get too big, you know? Do almost nothing with my amazing hair."

"You don't use any product at all?" Miles questioned.

"Just coconut oil, prayers, some genetics. Then I swing by school. Don't really have to try, but I do anyway. Fight a few bad guys, feed a few street dogs, quick break for a cup of chai with my Maya Auntie."

"I love Chai tea."

I quickly covered Miles's mouth.

"What did you just say? Chai tea? Chai means tea, bro. You're saying tea tea! Would I ask you for a coffee coffee with room for cream cream?"

"I'm so sorry." Miles bowed his head.

"Then I hang out with my girlfriend Gayatri. She is an extremely classy teenager. Then to top it off, I live in the best possible Spiderman city, Mumbattan. Quick tour. This is where the traffic is, this is where the traffic is, this is also where the traffic is. There's traffic here too. And this is where the British stole all of our stuff!" Pavitr got cut off by a portal flying at him. "Woah!"

We swung over to where the Spot was located. His spots were bigger. So he was seeking more power. With the tiny explosion he created in our dimension, he got an incredible amount of power. Imagining setting off an even bigger black hole. Or worse, another collider.

"Ah, hello Spiderman," the Spot greeted.

"Hi!" we all replied.

"Not you," Spot snapped.

"I think he means me," Miles commented.

"Yeah, him," Spot agreed, throwing a portal at him.

"I got this guys!" Miles assured us, attempting to kick Spot but actually putting a leg through a portal.

Spot sent him flying back into a wall. "Can you tell I leveled up my game? I'm on a journey of self improvement!"

"And you came to India!" Pavitr remarked. He caught Spot by a web. "That's a Western culture cliche. Don't eat, pray, love me bro!"

Spot hung upside down by his feet tied together and swung. "No, no, no, no, no. I did not mean it like that," Spot protested.

"Let me guess. You're going to ask me about saffron, and cardamom, and naan bread. Which is the same as saying bread bread. Which is the same as saying Chai tea!"

"Oh, I love Chai tea," Spot commented.

"No!" Pavitr shouted before Spot disappeared.

I caught Pavitr and caught up with Miles. Pavitr got off of me as I webbed Miles.

"Okay. I'm good. Don't worry," Miles lied.

"We won't," Gwen remarked.

"We will," I replied, pulling him along with me.

"This romantic tension is palpable," I heard Pavitr whisper.

Miles swung next to me. "If Spot gets more holes, he'll be unstoppable! We can't let him get to-"

"Alchemax?" I cut him off.

"See? How could you guys even concentrate?" Pavitr commented, making me confused on what he was talking about.

We entered Alchemax, following the hoards of screaming scientists. The Alchemax compared to ours was more lively. There were a lot more scientists. I noticed the walls and floors were colored, compared to our dimension being more plain and clean.

"Do they know about Hobie?" Pavitr asked.

"What should we know about Hobie?" Miles snapped.

"Oh, looks like they did not know," Pavitr mumbled.

We slammed against a portal chasing Spot. It was colored purple, but see through.

"Could you please deactivate this wonderfully strong barrier?" Pavitr asked a scientist.

"It can't be turned off until the Collider sequence is complete!"

"Collider sequence?" Miles mumbled.

"He wants more and more until he reaches the limit, Miles," I said, pounding on the barrier.

"I'm about to be so much more than a villain of the weak," Spot said menacingly.

"I'm sorry I called you that, okay?" Miles apologized. "You're a great villain."

"Not yet, I'm not."

I activated the electricity absorption part of my powers and started to absorb the energy of the barrier. Miles did the same a moment later. He inched closer and interlocked our pinkies, making me raise an eyebrow for a moment. Then I felt a sudden overload, but it balanced out a moment later. Miles was making our powers stronger.

"How long does this usually take?" Pavitr asked.

"Just give me a second," Miles commented.

"Do you want us to do something, or do we just stand here?"

"Yeah, are you, like, charging it or something?"

"We're absorbing the energy so we can send it back to cause it to malfunction," I explained.

Gwen and Pavitr continued to ask questions, making me frustrated.

"Oi, oi!"

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