Chapter 8- Controlled

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This was probably going to be the worst day of my life.

Today was the last day of school. Mom forced me to wear a pink lace dress that cut off at the knee with leggings underneath. I wore black high-heel boots with it as well. I straightened my hair since it was always kind of curly. I smiled bitter sweetly at the mirror before walking out.

It felt like today would be the day everything changed for us.

"AJ, can we talk?" Mom said when I came downstairs.

Calling me AJ either meant that I was going to be grounded for a B+ on a report card, or something happened to them at work. It was usually the latter, but my hands were still shaking.

I walked downstairs and sat on the opposite couch from them. I sat up straight and folded my hands, waiting for them to say something. Always look like you're in public, they told me. Never let your back lose its structure. The second you do, you lose power.

"Now, before you think you did anything, you didn't. All 'A+'s on your report card, and we're proud of that. But there's something we haven't told you that we should've," Mom started.

I was selfishly relieved at that. "Mr. Fisk had a press conference a couple months back, remember?" Mom asked.

I nodded. "You explained the company to everyone. I think you did perfectly."

"Well, that was the problem." Mom looked at the ground as Dad took her hand.

"What do you mean?" I asked, not quite understanding.

"Mr. Fisk informed us that we told... too much about the company." Dad cleared his throat.

"That's absurd! You were perfect!" I protested.

"And we thought so too, but Mr. Fisk didn't think so. He laid us off with pay, meaning that we would get paid until we found another job," Mom concluded.

"Mom, I understand that you didn't want to tell me anything. I love you, and I hope you find a job soon. You're picking me up, right?" I said as I slipped my shoes on.

Mom smiled. "Of course."

"Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad," I yelled as I ran out the front door.

I ran to the school, somehow finding the dress comfortable despite the itchy fabric.

"There she is." Miles smiled as he walked up to us and wrapped an arm around me.

We got to my locker, Miles still smiling softly. I took out my phone.


Training tonight. Clear anything from six to seven.


Perfectly available.

I put away my phone as the bell rang, signaling five minutes until class started. I rushed to my homeroom, sitting next to Miles like always. The day went by as though everything was normal. But it wasn't. Miles and I would be shipped off to a fancy school in two months, and barely anybody cared.

Finally, the end of the day dreadfully arrived. My ride was waiting in the front.

"AJ!" Mom called from her car.

"AJ?" Miles questioned as he walked up next to me.

"Prefer both. (Y/n), and (Y/n) Jane, shortened," I explained.

"(Y/n) Jane, come on!" Mom yelled.

"See ya," I said sadly, walking over to the car and getting into it.

Dad was driving, and Mom was in the passenger seat. I sat behind them, latching my seatbelt on. Dad was already ready to ditch this place. I wanted to stay in that place forever with my friends. And Miles would stay there, too.

Dad was going fifty miles an hour, which was fast considering the street we were on.

"Dad, aren't we going a little fast?" I noticed.

"Sorry, honey," Dad noticed. He eased his foot up, but the screen still showed fifty. "What's going on?"

"Maybe it's stuck," Mom reasoned, starting to get a bit worried.

"That's not possible," Dad snapped.

My senses went off. "Dad, you have to slow down."

"I'm trying," Dad grumbled as he moved the gas pedal.

"Who's controlling the car?" Mom asked in disbelief at the situation.

The car suddenly turned as Dad let go of the steering wheel. It turned a sharp right even though Dad wasn't touching it. Think, think, think. What was causing this? What can I do? My body was shaking, my mind was racing. I felt helpless, trapped from the fear. Dad banged on the steering wheel, as if that would help.

"Dad? Dad! Are you doing this?" I yelled, panicked.

"No!" Dad yelled back.

"Brakes!" Mom yelled.

"They're cut!" Dad realized as he pushed on the pedal.

"Dad, I love you. But if this is a prank, you need to stop it," I blurted.

"I love yo-"

A crash sounded through the windshield and Mom screamed shrilly. Another crash and Mom stopped abruptly. I feared the worst. The car was going fifty miles an hour and there was a building right in front of us.

"Mom! Mom, Dad!" I screamed, tears starting to run down my face.

I screamed in terror where there was a line of blood running down both of their faces. Mom's head moved to the side and there was a bullet-sized hole in the middle of her forehead. I was barely able to move, but I shifted just enough to see the bleeding wound in my father's chest.

I saw the building a few yards away and knew I was going to die with them if I didn't jump. There was another crash, and I felt a scorching pain in the middle of my torso. I covered the spot with my hand as I unlocked the car by pulling up the metal. I jumped out and landed on the pavement.

The car exploded with a loud crash, making me cover my ears. I looked at my hand. It was covered in blood. I looked at my torso. Bullet-sized wound. Blood stained my dress as the car exploded with fire. I couldn't breathe. It was so hard to breathe. My hand covered itself with blood.

I sobbed in pain and of loss. My parents were shot. They were gone. Where did those bullets come from? I looked up at the buildings. The only place where they could've hit us was...

I saw a bulky man with a gun in his hand standing on top of a building. I could make out his head, smaller than his body. It was Kingpin. My mind wanted to rip him to shreds, to make him pay. My body was giving up on me, completely blocking me from doing so.

Firetrucks and police cars arrived at the scene as I sat against the wall. I placed my backpack on the side, holding my hand against the wound. They were going to help me. Hopefully save me from this nightmare. This was all a dream, right? I fell asleep in the car, and I was dreaming.

"We need an ambulance!" a police officer yelled.

"Kid." I heard his voice.

"He shot them, both of them," I sobbed. "He got me too. They knew too much, so he killed them."

"Spiderman, we got this under control," a police officer said as he picked me up.

I closed my eyes, feeling faint as my vision went fuzzy. "(Y/n), stay with me. Come on. Stay with me."

The officer's hands shook as he frantically put me on a stretcher. I was wheeled into an ambulance hurriedly, my blood staining my dress and my hand still. My ears were ringing. Everything was so blurry. I couldn't even tell what was going on. Could everyone go a little slower, please?



I reached up, but the medic held me down. I could hear his protests before passing out.

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