Chapter 1: Frostbound Encounter

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Snow. Pure, icy, and frigid snow stretched as far as I could see while I walked slowly among the giant trees, lost in my thoughts about nothing in particular. With each breath, I exhaled a mist of fog, and with each step, my foot left an imprint six inches deep. Even after almost five years, I didn't think my body could ever get adjusted to the freezing winters of Chelmswell.

After hours of wandering through the maze of the forest in this frozen snowland, I was content with my catches for the day and ready to return to my hut, away from this numbing cold.


Amidst the wintry landscape, did I just hear someone scream for help? The second cry confirmed it. No matter how much the wind roared, I was certain it was time to hasten toward the voice's direction.

As I dashed through the thick forest, I stumbled upon a clearing and discovered the source of the cry: a girl engulfed in flames, a fascinating winged wolf, and a gigantic bear-like monster. An unexpected sight on this brutal wintery day.

The monster, three times larger than a typical grizzly bear, was covered in pure white fur, blending perfectly with the snow. How had I never encountered one before? Did they change color with the seasons or blend in somehow?

As I marveled at the gigantic beast, movement caught my eye in the corner. In that fleeting distraction, the beast unleashed a roar and swiped at the cowering girl, cornered against a tree.

Without time to cover the distance, I teleported between them, intercepting the blow aimed at the girl. Halting the giant paw with sharp claws, my sudden appearance startled the beast, redirecting its fury towards me.

"I know your children are behind that brush. We have intruded on your territory, but you're no match for me. Let us leave in peace, or I will be forced to end your life."

Comprehending my words, the giant bear-like monster turned and retreated, reuniting with its cubs. Watching them vanish beyond the brush, I was satisfied that the encounter ended peacefully.

"Are you alright? Luckily, I heard your cry for help," I said, shifting attention to the pair.

The wolf was unique, to say the least. Black fur covered its back, white fur covered its chest and belly, a red flaming mane, a watery blue tail, and a pair of giant white wings. I was completely mesmerized and totally forgot the existence of the girl.

"Thank you for saving me," the girl replied, her voice grateful yet exhausted. Her words snapped me back to reality.

Her bright red hair, once aflame, settled neatly down her back. Smooth, flawless light chocolate-colored skin was visible beneath her insufficient coat for the bone-chilling winters of Chelmswell. As her bright pink eyes met mine, my heart skipped a beat, a feeling I hadn't experienced since that dreadful incident.

"Ken?" she questioned, as I was preoccupied with suppressing the sudden lust that had overcome me.

"Didn't think anyone still remembered me," I replied with a small chuckle, surprised that this beauty still remembered me from my glory days when I was the center of attention and on top of the world.

"You don't remember me, do you? I'm not some random fangirl... I know it's been years and we only met that one time for a few days but I thought you had a thing for me," she said, her disappointment evident.

"Sorry. Freezing weather isn't doing wonders for my memory," I lied, hesitant to open up to a stranger I'd likely never meet again.

"Let's get somewhere warm first. Even for a fire fairy like myself, I'm struggling in this cold," she requested.

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