Chapter 17. Evolving Bonds

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"You think they did it last night?"

"No way! Even he wouldn't do that with so many kids around."

"What are you two talking about? What's 'it'?"

"Nothing. Ignore those two idiots or you'll end up dumber," I answered the curious children, holding onto Emma tightly under our sleeping bag, not wanting to let her go.

"Time to get up, Ken. I need to help Juila make breakfast," Emma requested, and I reluctantly released her from my embrace.

"You really didn't do anything, right?" Candace whispered, eyeing me suspiciously.

"What I do with my lover is none of your business." Ignoring the pair's pestering, I joined the children and Ryo in the living room, chatting and getting to know everyone a little better as the children eagerly shared everything I asked.

After breakfast, I decided to take a quick trip around the village to greet and thank all the villagers, with the children happily following behind, along with the pair of nosy girls.

As we visited each house, the children happily introduced the residents to the girls, while I expressed gratitude to everyone for their support of my family.

While most of the villagers were familiar faces, I couldn't help but notice new occupants in houses that used to belong to people I knew.

"Old man John and sister Kate live here. They look super scary but are super nice!" One of the boys informed the girls, with the others nodding in agreement.

Puzzled by why the kids found the young fox beastman girl frightening, I knocked on the old wooden door, uncertain of what to expect.

"You kids are too loud! What are you doing here anyway? I don't have free snacks for you." The door opened, and I came face to face with the intimidating girl the kids had mentioned. The once ordinary fox beastman young girl had transformed into a young lady, but her appearance dramatically altered.


"KEN! You're finally back!" she exclaimed, hugging me tightly and calling for her grandfather.

Inviting us into their centuries-old wooden mansion, which also functioned as a shop, the kids ran around excitedly when I told them I'd buy whatever they wanted.

"Surprised by my appearance? It took me a while to get used to it too," Kate said with a faint smile as we caught up.

Similar to Fernard, Kate had been transformed five years ago. However, unlike Fernard, who showed no physical changes and only benefited from the corruption from gaining immense strength, Kate underwent a drastic physical transformation.

Once a small typical fox beastman with fox ears and a fluffy tail, Kate now sported gnarly black horns, razor-sharp teeth like a wild beast, and her physical size had increased dramatically, almost matching her giant grizzly beastman grandfather.

"Sorry, Kate. I feel responsible for what happened to you," I apologized, feeling guilty about her altered appearance.

"You know, Ken, Genesis was like an older sister to me. Every time you came back from Dragonspire and brought her with during the breaks. While you barely spent any time home with all the traveling you did around the world to spend time with your different girlfriends or to train. She would spend those days when you were gone here, just lazing around complaining about you." Despite tormenting myself during my isolated years, those who cared for me repeatedly reassured me it wasn't my fault. Slowly, I began to believe their words.

"Alright kids, time for lunch. Thanks, old man John and Kate, for looking after everyone. I'll visit again."

"You better visit again and not just disappear for years." Kate scolded.

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