Chapter 11. Struggles and Triumph

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Pat pat pat.

"Time for lunch Ken."

"Morning Bailee," I replied with a yawn, feeling sore all over from yesterday's total exhaustion.

"It's lunch time!"

"Where's Yami?" I inquired, noticing the absence of my wolf companion.

"She didn't want to leave your side but Tina kidnapped her for the raid," Bailee shared.

With a disapproving shake of my head, I slowly rose and joined Bailee and her mother for lunch. After a satisfying meal, I headed to elder Theodore's house, aiming to learn healing magic from the elderly man. Bailee trailed me initially, but her interest waned quickly, prompting her departure for something more engaging.

"Everyone's back!" Bailee exclaimed, rushing back into the elder's house to announce the party's return. After expressing gratitude to the elder for the day's lessons, the eager young girl seized my hand and whisked me to the village center, where the returning raid members had gathered.

"How did it go, Candace? Tina?" Bailee inquired, eager to hear about their expedition.

"Terrible! My group ran into a single group and freaking Yami got them all before I could even do anything!" Tina complained, disregarding the irony that it was the direct result of her actions.

"My team didn't spot a single goblin! Couldn't even showcase my fire prowess," Candace added, voicing her own frustrations.

"You've done something incredible. I've personally checked each hideout; it's like the goblins never existed," Thane acknowledged, the weight of years of worry lifted from his shoulders.

"I'm certain a few stragglers still linger, but regular scouting should prevent another outbreak," I suggested, feeling like this is the best outcome for the situation even with my hands stained with blood.

"Thank you, Ken. I've been consumed ever since losing my family. I never thought one person could be powerful enough to achieve what you have," Thane expressed, his gratitude palpable.

"Hmph! He's average at best! Both my father and brother are way stronger than him," Tina chimed in, refusing to let praise linger without her dismissal.

"The world's too vast and beyond my comprehension with how powerful individuals like you could exist. What's your plan now? Continuing your journey tomorrow?" Thane inquired.

"NO! Don't go!" Bailee shouted in protest, fearing our sudden departure.

"We're staying a few more days," I revealed with a smile.

"A few days? Not enough! Why don't you just move here?" Bailee pleaded, reluctant to part ways with us .

"We got to go save Candace's village, remember? Once I save her village, we can visit often. I just need to get my hands on a teleport artifact and I will be able to move around the world freely." I explained.

With the goblin problem resolved, the entire village was in a cheery mood and a feast was planned for the day after where I volunteered to go hunt for some meat. Of course, Tina decided she would also go and make it a competition.

"Ready to lose?" Tina taunted as we prepared for the hunt the following morning. Feeling much better with most of the soreness gone, I was determined to demonstrate to the wolf girl just who she was up against.

"Yami, let's go."

"Yami is coming with me! It's not a fair competition otherwise," Tina complained, forcefully grabbing my pet wolf and refusing to release her. Realizing I couldn't win the argument, I let the girl take the lead with my pet wolf.

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