Chapter 35. Cloaked Intentions

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Awakening to the gentle whining and nudging from Yami, I greeted my loyal pet wolf before rising from bed to let her out for her morning routine, then made my way to the dining room.

"Morning, Ken! Look at all this food!" Candace greeted me cheerfully as I entered the dining room.

With a table overflowing with food and Tina already devouring her meal like the uncultured slob she was, I exchanged greetings with the girls before taking my seat to savor the tantalizing aroma of the breakfast spread.

"Hey Carla, any chance your connections could secure me access to the castle?" I inquired of the elf girl.

"You'll have to ask the individuals we're meeting later. I don't have much insight into the city's affairs. I simply guide people here, perhaps stay a night, then make my way home," Carla replied matter-of-factly.

"Are you content with your grandfather's decision to guide me for the next few years? I won't be returning before the deadline even if I complete all my tasks," I probed, attempting to engage in conversation.

"I merely follow my grandfather's orders. If he tasks me with being your bodyguard for the next two years, that's precisely what I'll do, and I'll ensure you fulfill your obligations," Carla responded stoically, shutting down further discussion.

"You'd better start training diligently if you believe you could still defeat me in two years. While I may not be a match for someone like Zishell or Julius, in a few months, I should be capable of handling someone of your caliber," I boasted confidently, hoping to elicit a reaction from the elf girl.

As expected, like every other conversation I attempted that didn't revolve around her grandfather, Carla reverted to her silent demeanor after one sentence, leaving our interaction hanging in the air.

Thankfully, before the silence grew awkward, Yami returned from her outing and joined us in the dining hall, eager to partake in the delicious spread as well.

Following Carla's lead once more, we made our way to the designated meetup point, hoping to gain enough information about the city's inner workings to formulate a plan for our next steps.

Strolling through the picturesque streets with their well-paved roads and elegant buildings, Tina and Candace marveled at everything remotely intriguing, while Yami attracted many curious glances, with some even offering substantial sums of gold to purchase her from me.

Entering a magnificent marble building nestled in the heart of the elite district, we were greeted with warm smiles from the staff. After Carla conversed with someone at the front desk, we were ushered down a grand hallway, away from prying eyes.

Passing through a heavily secured door, our guard labored through multiple rounds of keys and spells to unlock it, revealing yet another simple teleportation circle inside. No matter how affluent or influential this Cyran individual might be, originality clearly wasn't his forte.

Once inside, we were swiftly teleported to our destination, a vast room devoid of the opulent decor typical of the central district, populated by rough-looking individuals who stood in stark contrast to the posh crowd of the capital.

"This is my brother, Carter. He's one of my grandfather's most trusted subordinates stationed here in Yelwraek," Carla introduced us, gesturing towards a charismatic elf who exuded confidence unlike the others gathered in the hideout.

"Ken from Dragonspire! I was wondering why my grandfather would bother to aid a human. I still recall the days when we watched the tournaments and how much my grandfather despised you," the elf man greeted me cheerfully, as if there was anything humorous about a racist who harbored disdain for me simply because of my elf lovers.

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