Chapter 19. New Encounters

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"Do you really have to go?"

"Please don't go!"

"Stay!" The kids shouted as we prepared for our new journey, their pleas tugging at my heartstrings.

"Everyone, settle down. Ken has to help Candace and take care of some other things. But once he's done, he'll be back," Emma scolded gently, trying to pacify the excited children.

"I'm glad we're finally leaving! If I had to watch him snuggle with Emma any longer, I might start feeling bad for trying to get in between them."

"Liar! You have no remorse! You homewrecker!" While the bickering continues between the two children I'm forced to bring along, doing little to assist me in packing. Regardless, I knew the journey ahead wouldn't be uneventful, for better or worse.

"Take care of Emma for me, alright? If any guy tries to make a move on her, be sure to give him a kick in the nuts."

"KEN! Don't teach them anything stupid," Emma scolded me, slightly exasperated.

"Ryo, thanks for handling everything. Take good care of Julia. I'll inform your people in Vespera that you're doing well." Saying our goodbyes wasn't easy.

Unlike our journey so far, leaving Emma behind and having the fall out with Rena after our recent reunion left me anxious about what lies ahead without the support of my beloved ones.

"You're sure you won't be coming?" I asked Emma one final time, hoping for a change of heart. Her slight smile indicated my wishful thinking was in vain.

With provisions in tow, aware that my determination might waver if we lingered, I kissed Emma quickly, mounted my horse, and rode off, everyone gradually fading from view.

True to my word, we stopped by old man John's shop, gathering a few more supplies and bidding farewell to Kate.

"So, what's the plan, Ken?" Kate inquired as we loaded the additional goods onto the horses.

"Head for Yelwraek. Check out that teleport circle. If it doesn't lead us where I need, we'll find passage on a merchant ship or something like that," I replied.

"Not the most detailed plan, is it?" Kate challenged, echoed by the agreement of the two girls.

"What do you expect? Information's scarce without teleportation. I'm essentially a blind guiding the blind. The world's changed a lot since the teleport ban," I retorted.

"Stay safe out there. Even in our small village, we've seen some scary things. Can't imagine what's out there," Kate cautioned as we resumed our journey.

"Bye, Kate! Hopefully, next time we meet, you'll have found yourself a handsome fellow or two," I said, riding out of the village with a smile.

Two months had passed since my departure from the Chelmswell forest. As we journeyed southward, time and the arrival of spring made our ride more comfortable compared to the biting cold at the outset.

"How many times did you and Emma...?" Candace eagerly inquired the moment we left the village, our horses picking up speed.

"With the kids around and your persistent questioning, when did we have privacy? Besides, I made a choice when she decided not to come. Couldn't imagine coping without her if we had." I explained, reluctant to entertain the thought.

"But you have me, right? No need to be shy!" Candace persisted.

"Didn't you see what happens to those who fall for me? Rena's family is gone, she's in an unwanted marriage for money. Lovetta's alone, Emma shoulders a household, and I dread to think of the rest," I responded, unwilling to lead anyone on.

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