Chapter 32. Entwined

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Standing in the vast chamber with the supposed rightful monarch of Yelwraek, I deeply lamented ignoring Carla's counsel, realizing I had embroiled myself in matters far beyond my abilities.

"I appreciate your offer, but I must decline. I have personal matters to attend to, and I seek only a simple life of peace," I replied respectfully, attempting to extricate myself from the precarious situation.

"Your teleportation ability could prove advantageous in the current climate, but I do not compel unwilling individuals. I am not my brother. Carla, escort our guests back to their lodgings. Once settled, deal with those traitorous beastmen," the king commanded.

"Yes, my King," Carla acknowledged dutifully.

"Please, spare my people! We had no choice! My father even lost an arm trying to resist him, but he is too powerful!" Abigail pleaded desperately, falling to her knees, her voice tinged with fear.

"The weak merit neither mercy nor my attention. The fact a lowly beastman such as yourself dares to speak to me is enough to warrant your death," Cyran retorted callously.


Without hesitation, Carla charged at the defenseless Abigail, ready to take the girl's life if I hadn't intervened.

"Stop! Spare Abigail and her kin. Upon fulfilling my obligations, I shall return to offer my service," I interjected firmly, bracing for another potential strike from the horned elf.

"And what, pray tell, are these obligations?" Cyran inquired, signaling for Carla to stand down as I steadied myself, making sure no lasting harm from the encounter had occurred.

Taking a moment to compose myself, I outlined my plan to Cyran: a journey to Yelwraek City to investigate the teleportation circle's destination, followed by visits to Darrumburgh and Kirksawald.

"A busy man indeed, but necessity often outweighs desire for simplicity. The teleportation circle in Yelwraek will transport you to Sraderham City. Coincidentally, Sraderham hosts all three sanctioned circles—one each for Yelwraek City, Darrumburgh City, and Kirksawald City—allowing Sylvester unhindered travel to dismantle illegal teleport artifacts across the continents," Cyran explained, his tone carrying a hint of disdain.

"Excellent! If that's the case, I could expedite my tasks in under two years, after which I shall return to offer my allegiance," I responded, hoping to mask my trepidation with false confidence.

"Do you truly believe entry into the circles is so easily gained? Even if my Yelwraek subordinates smuggle you in, Sraderham's authorities will apprehend you upon arrival. How do you plan to navigate once in Sraderham?" Cyran challenged, his skepticism palpable.

"As unremarkable as I may seem now, I was in fact Sylvester's only daughter's lover. I'm sure even if she had moved on to better things, Surely, a few permissions can be granted for old times' sake," I countered.

"Ah, yes. I recall now. My disgraceful brother allowed his daughters to associate with you, tarnishing our pure elf lineage," Cyran sneered, igniting my disdain for him further for the racist elf.

"Will you grant my request? In two years' time, I shall return to serve you faithfully. Spare Abigail and her village, I beseech you," I implored once more, eager to extricate myself from this ordeal and avoid further encounters with the self proclaimed king.

"Very well. Talent transcends race. I will not squander a valuable teleporter. Carla, accompany and safeguard this human on his journey. Two years hence, return here or face the consequences. I expect your return within thirty months," Cyran commanded, his tone unwavering.

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