Chapter 23. Shadows of Aenwyn

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Three months after I encountered the fiery-haired fairy and embarked on my journey to return her home, our original straightforward path took numerous twists and turns, leading us here—to Aenwyn city, a sprawling megacity nestled within the kingdom of Yelwreak.

"Wow! This place is much larger than Miodod, almost as big as Ostrium!" Candace remarked, awe evident in her voice, as we entered the city through a secret underground passage reserved for those associated with the nefarious activities of the elf we sought.

"You must be part of the inner circle to gain access to that underground passage so effortlessly. How many horrible things have you done?" Tina teased, a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Rude! It's only my second time here! Besides, gold talks louder than words in these circles. Those folks are only interested in their pockets," Abigail retorted, defending herself against Tina's jest.

"Well, now that I think about it, we do stand out—a group with no elves, two beastmen, and a winged wolf. If this elf you're after is as well-connected as you claim, they'll surely notice our presence," Ipointed out.

"Don't worry about that. While this isn't Yelwraek city, the beastman population here is significant due to the proximity to the border. Besides, the city's overall population is immense. We'll blend in seamlessly," Abigail reassured, exuding confidence.

"Well, I suppose you have a point. Tina, please refrain from any antics that might draw attention to us," I cautioned, hoping to avoid any unnecessary trouble.

"WHY are you always singling me out!" Tina protested, her voice rising.

Anticipating a potential outburst, I opted for silence as we made our way through the outskirts of the city, Abigail leading the way as our guide.

As Abigail had predicted, the closer we ventured to the city center, the more apparent it became that despite being an elven city, there was a surprisingly substantial presence of beastmen. Yami, with her unique and majestic appearance, attracted the most attention from passersby.

Upon reaching the town center, Tina insisted on lodging at the finest hotel, a request easily fulfilled thanks to my unlimited gold hack. Abigail guided us to the designated hotel, where we would rest and strategize for the tasks ahead.

The marble hotel exuded opulence, a stark contrast to the modest castle of Miodod, highlighting the vast disparity in wealth between a small, obscure kingdom and a bustling city within the most powerful realm.

After the hotel staff took charge of our horses, I spared no expense at the front desk, securing the most lavish suite available.

"This is more like it! I'm tired of sleeping on the ground like some wild animal!" Tina exclaimed with glee, bouncing on the plush mattress in one of the suite's rooms.

"Ken! Let's take this room," Candace purred seductively, attempting to coax me into her quarters.

"There are literally four rooms in this suite. We can each have our own and finally get some proper rest," I replied, shutting down her attempt to flirt.

"But you'll sleep so much better with me beside you!" Candace persisted, her determination palpable.

"Wouldn't you want the opposite? If he sleeps soundly with you nearby, that means you two aren't up all night making love, right?" Abigail quipped, injecting a bit of humor into the conversation.

"HA! Thanks, Abigail. See, Candace, more reasons for us to sleep separately. I need my rest to function, and your beauty might make that a tad difficult," I teased with a grin.

As dusk descended upon our arrival at the hotel, we decided to explore the city, hoping to find a suitable spot for dinner while acquainting ourselves with our surroundings.

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