Chapter 24. Veiled Atrocity

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The scene before me was difficult to describe. Vile specimens of humanity roamed about, their laughter mingling with the clinking of chains as they perused the captive individuals, treating them as mere commodities to be traded.

"Candace, keep an eye on Tina," I murmured urgently, attempting to rein in my own rising emotions.

"You seem familiar. Have you visited our establishment before?" approached an elf adorned in a resplendent suit soon after our arrival.

"Not in this city, no," I replied, striving to maintain composure in my voice.

"What are you in the market for today? An elf? Lizardman? Or perhaps a merman?" the elf inquired, casting an assessing gaze over our party.

"Do you have anything more exotic?" I inquired, seeking to gauge the extent of their inventory.

"Unfortunately, our most exotic offerings are reserved for our VIP clientele at our private auctions," the elf responded, showing little inclination to elaborate.

"Master! Aren't I—a fire fairy—sufficient for your needs? You paid a handsome sum for me, yet you already seek another diversion?" Candace interjected, playing her part astutely.

"A fire fairy? How much did you pay for her?" the elf inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"Who remembers such trifling details? Money is inconsequential. If you have nothing of interest to offer, we shall take our leave. I am bound for Yelwraek city soon, where I expect better prospects," I declared nonchalantly.

"Oh, the offerings here in Aenwyn are unparalleled in Yelwraek, if not the entire continent. It's much simpler for such enterprises to thrive here than in the capital—provided money is no object for you," the elf remarked, before I interrupted him with a casual display of wealth.

Fumbling with the weight of the gold I tossed him, the elf swiftly concealed the bounty, glancing around to ensure his associates hadn't observed the exchange.

"Typically, only esteemed customers with a significant history of purchases receive this information. Listen carefully. There's a monthly tournament, and the victor is granted a wish by the organizers. I'm certain you can surmise who oversees such affairs," the elf whispered discreetly, all the while feigning interest in showcasing the establishment's wares. He advised me to enlist at least four of their top competitors to stand a chance at victory, as many within this circle harbored aspirations of attaining VIP status.

"Are the fights rigged, or could an outsider win?" I inquired further, probing for details.

"Ah, so you have your own fighters as well? The matches are entirely legitimate, though the bracket does tend to favor the regulars," the elf responded, offering insights into the system.

As we continued conversing to glean as much information as possible, I noticed Tina gradually recovering from her initial shock. Anticipating that the situation could spiral out of control if we lingered any longer, I swiftly concocted an excuse and ushered the girls out before matters escalated beyond my control.

"HOW COULD A PLACE LIKE THIS EXIST? THEY'RE SELLING PEOPLE LIKE ANIMALS!" Tina erupted in a fit of rage shortly after we departed from the area.

"I knew it was a mistake for you to come along. Slavery isn't explicitly prohibited anywhere, Tina," I attempted to reason with the furious girl.

For two millennia, the world had known peace. While slavery had never been officially outlawed, in the absence of war as a pretext, the abhorrent practice persisted primarily through secretive means. Hence, even in the absence of explicit prohibition by any kingdom or law, slavery endured, shrouded in secrecy, throughout history or else they ended up suffering the fate of the vampire race.

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