Chapter 6: Journey

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With the dawn came Yami's soft whines, nudging me awake. I reluctantly rose from my slumber, not ready to start the day's journey.

After exchanging morning greetings with the family and Candace, I savored some leftover feast food for breakfast before preparing our essentials for the road ahead.

"Thank you, Chieftain, Mrs. Wulric. Your kindness means the world to me," I expressed gratitude as we walked towards the village's exit.

"Stay safe, Ken. Remember, you're always welcome here," Mrs. Wulric said, handing me a package of well-preserved food for our travels.

"Remember my boy. No matter what life throws at you, don't give up before you give it your all." the chieftain added, enveloping me in a tight embrace.

We bid farewell to the villagers who gathered to see us off, and I assured Ruth and Keev that I'd convey their messages to Zeev. I promised Mrs. Wulric and the chieftain that I'd make amends with Lovetta and ensure her safety.

"Is that Tina not coming to see us off? How typical!" Candace grumbled, noticing Tina's absence among the well-wishers.

"Take care, everyone. It might take a month or two to reach Ostrium. We'll be back once I get that teleport artifact," I informed, offering goodbye hugs to Mrs. Wulric and enduring the chieftain's powerful pats on my back.

With a wave to our gracious hosts, I teleported Candace, Yami, and myself back into the snowy world beneath the concealed village, back into the dense forest.

"Ugh! When will we get somewhere warmer?" Candace complained to the sudden cold.

"We're as far north as it gets. I doubt we will be out of the forest for weeks even if I teleport us as far as my stamina allows. We really need to figure out where we could get a map," I explained.

"I knew an idiot like you won't be prepared at all!"

"How did you get here, Tina? We teleported 5 miles away from the village," I questioned, surprised by Tina's presence.

"Candace mentioned your ability, so I guessed you'd go directly south," Tina replied proudly, handing me a piece of parchment.

"You had this world map all along and didn't mention it earlier?" I inquired, puzzled by Tina's decision to withhold the information.

"Firstly, you never asked. Secondly, count yourself lucky I'm sharing it now," Tina retorted.

"Thanks for the map, you should have just given it to me back in the village," I replied.

"Ken, can't you see she's packed and ready? She wants to tag along," Candace observed.

Finally seeing the large rucksack behind Tina, half-covered by snow, I hesitated. "Sorry, but I'm not taking you with us."

"Why not? I'm stronger than Candace! If you're lugging around a handicap like her, you should be glad I want to join," Tina protested angrily.

"Who are you calling a handicap? I could set this forest ablaze if I was given enough time," Candace retorted, flames flickering in her hair.

"Both of you, enough!" I interjected, trying to diffuse the tension. "Tina, why do you even want to come along?"

"If I had other options, you think I'd tag along with you? I've heard countless tales from Lovetta about the outside world. I want to see it for myself! Despite my disagreements with my dad, he's right that I've never ventured beyond the village and it's scary. At least with you, my parents won't worry much," Tina explained happily.

"But I've got my hands full already. I don't need another one to babysit," I hesitated, realizing my mistake as tension surged between the three of us.

Not only did Tina start going off on me, Candace did not appreciate the implication of my comment either and decided to team up with the wolf girl.

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