Chapter 9. Paths of Decision

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"Breakfast time!" Bailee's voice echoed through the room as she shook me from my slumber while I nestled in my warm sleeping bag.

"Just kick him. That's my usual wake-up call for him," Tina chimed in, her tone casual, as if the typical morning occurrence was a normal behavior.

"You see what I have to deal with daily? Please don't grow up to be like her."


After 20 days of journeying together, Tina's daily outbursts had become routine, something I tolerated to avoid escalating situations. Of course, I could've done more to avoid inciting her reactions, but then again, the 20-day journey would have been cut short as I'd have perished from boredom.

After greeting Bailee's parents and Candace, we settled for a hearty breakfast, primarily meat from my hunting on our journey. As the family and the village faced increasing difficulty in acquiring rations due to the goblins' expansion.

"Ken! Candace said you're super strong. Why didn't you stop the guards from tying you up yesterday?" Bailee inquired eagerly.

"We weren't in danger. Sometimes it's easier to go with the flow than complicate things," I replied, hoping the wolf beastman girl would grasp the hint.

Post-breakfast, I met with Thane, who volunteered to guide me in scouting the goblin camps and strategize against them.

"Why take Tina and not Candace?" Bailee questioned as we readied essentials for our day trip.

"Candace can probably blow this entire place up if she wasn't caught off guard but she is average at best when it comes to physical things so a scouting mission just doesn't suit her. And I'm not taking Tina. She's just going because I can't stop her from making my life more difficult."


"Just so you know, other than my father, Zeev, and Lovetta, I'm the strongest in my tribe. I'm definitely much stronger than this middle-aged sheep. No way those little green things could harm me this badly."

"Don't be rude, Tina. The chieftain taught you better," I interjected, noting Tina's brashness.

"Sorry, old man," Tina muttered quietly, for once, seemingly realizing she'd crossed a line.

"Don't worry. It's true our tribe is weak and we avoid conflicts," Thane responded, unfazed by Tina's words.

"Stay safe, everyone!" Bailee advised earnestly as the little girl waved goodbye with Candace by her side.

With Thane guiding, we dashed through varying elevations of the mountain range. Soon, Tina's stamina waned, her breath huffing and puffing forcing our brief rest on a tree bench.

"Pretty fast for an old sheep," Tina remarked, trying to catch her breath.

"Thane's a goat beastman. If it weren't for you, we'd have moved much faster," I replied, highlighting Thane's superior speed and endurance.

"LIES!" Tina snapped back, unwilling to accept the truth.

"You're still young, kid. You'll surpass me soon. Besides, speed isn't everything; I just excel at running away with my life intact," Thane remarked, lightening the mood.

"Exactly! I bet I'm already better at fighting. I spent most of my time sparring anyway, not running through trees," Tina retorted defensively.

"After we reach Ostrium, I'll introduce you to a professor who helped me immensely when I was at your age. Your dad might be powerful, but he's not that great of a teacher," I offered.

"We've been traveling for 20 days, and now you're telling me my dad isn't a good teacher? Why haven't you taught me anything? Afraid I will get stronger than you?" Tina's loud questioning threatened to give away our position if any goblins were nearby.

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