Chapter 39. Disheartened Preparations

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"Get up! Time for me to show off in the tournament!" The wolf girl's boisterous wake-up call shattered the tranquility of my slumber, as it did every morning. With a resigned sigh, I peeled myself from the comfort of my bed, steeling myself for the day ahead.

Three weeks had passed since my encounter with Clare. The first week was a haze of self-pity and inertia, broken only by the persistent nudging of Tina and Candace, who refused to let me wallow in misery indefinitely. Slowly but surely, their efforts pulled me back from the brink, coaxing me to re-engage with the world.

During the second week, I made several futile attempts to arrange another meeting with Clare through Chloe, only to be met with polite but firm refusals. It became clear that Clare had no interest in revisiting the past, leaving me to grapple with the reality of our fractured relationship.

Now, three weeks into our stay at Yelwreak, I had begrudgingly accepted that Clare might never be a part of my life again. Though the thought weighed heavily on my heart, I resolved to focus on moving forward, clinging to the hope that time might heal the wounds between us.

Most of my days were spent training with Carla, the enigmatic elf whose quiet demeanor belied a keen intellect and formidable skills. Though she remained somewhat elusive, I found solace in her company, the rhythm of our training sessions providing a sense of stability amidst the chaos of my emotions.

As for Candace and Tina, their unwavering support provided a much-needed anchor in turbulent seas. Though our relationship was strictly platonic, their antics and companionship brought a much-needed lightness to my days, reminding me that joy could still be found in the simplest of moments.

Emerging from the mansion after a hearty breakfast, we made our way to the stadium where Tina had eagerly signed up for yet another tournament. Yami, my faithful winged wolf companion, trotted alongside us, her presence a comforting reminder of the bonds that held us together.

"Why do you get to ride on Yami! Let me on too!" protested the wolf girl, eyeing my companion with envy.

"Find your own ride!" I chuckled, playfully attempting to fend her off as we made our way towards the stadium, excitement bubbling in the air.

With each passing day, my loyal companion, Yami, grew in size, her majestic wingspan rivaling that of a great eagle. She had become a formidable beast, capable of carrying me effortlessly through the skies. Yet, despite her impressive stature, she couldn't quite substitute for our need of horses, especially with our party of four.

Unable to pry the wolf girl off Yami's back without distressing my faithful companion, I resigned myself to sharing the journey on foot with Candace and Carla. As we strolled towards the stadium, the wolf girl relished her newfound vantage point, the wind tousling her fur as she soared ahead.

"Why haven't you entered any tournaments? You could have easily dominated some of those daily bouts, unlike that wolf girl," Candace remarked, curiosity lacing her tone.

"Not my cup of tea. I only joined at my grandfather's behest," Carla replied nonchalantly.

"Do you only kill on his orders as well? You were rather ruthless during the fights except with me when you let me win." I teased, probing for insight into Carla's enigmatic demeanor.

"His directive was clear: fight with all your might at all times. If an opponent lasted thirty minutes, I was to yield, allowing him the opportunity to recruit them. You were fortunate enough to survive," Carla divulged, her words punctuated by a silence that hinted at unspoken truths.

"Really now? I had a feeling you spared me in our sparring sessions because you didn't fancy ending my life," I countered, met with Carla's stoic silence, a testament to her unwillingness to fabricate falsehoods.

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