Chapter 30. Showdown

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Gazing at my opponent and taking note of her attire, I couldn't help but wonder if she intended to engage in a physical battle or if she was employing seduction as a tactic. Despite the lingering chill of early spring, she wore scant clothing, her elven beauty captivating my attention, rendering me oblivious to the announcer's commentary.

While I was still lost in contemplation, she suddenly lunged at me with full force, her polearm poised to strike.


Her attack thundered down with formidable power, catching me off guard. I barely managed to raise my defenses in time, her allure momentarily distracting me from the impending danger.

Drawing from Tina's recent encounter and the singular piece of information we had gained, I knew I couldn't rely solely on my physical strength to withstand her assault. Summoning an earth shield just in the nick of time, I thwarted her blow, avoiding physical harm.


She pressed on relentlessly, launching a barrage of attacks without regard for her own safety. Faced with her overwhelming strength, I found myself forced into a defensive stance, unable to mount a counteroffensive.

As minutes ticked by—5, 10, 20—her onslaught showed no signs of waning. Each blow threatened to shatter bones or worse, leaving me scrambling to maintain my defenses. With every passing moment, her vigor remained unyielding, reminiscent of Ryo's seemingly boundless stamina.

After enduring 25 minutes of relentless assault, I found myself at a loss. Unable to transition from defense to offense, and with my stamina waning, I struggled to devise a strategy to overcome her. Meanwhile, she exhibited an endurance seemingly born of rigorous training, leaving me grappling with the realization that victory seemed increasingly elusive.

Exhausted and devoid of alternatives, I resolved to muster all my remaining stamina for one final, desperate gambit. Vanishing from Carla's line of sight in a sudden burst with my teleportation, I utilized my teleport magic for the first time in our duel, aiming to catch her off guard. Summoning every ounce of energy I possessed, I unleashed my signature attack.


With a fierce battle cry, I hurtled towards her, unleashing my most potent strike, banking on the hope that I had worn her down sufficiently and that the element of surprise would tilt the odds in my favor.

But wait—did she possess a protective artifact? It dawned on me too late that I had only gone full strength against opponents shielded by such artifacts. In the heat of the moment, I had neglected to consider the stark reality of potential fatal consequences if the elf girl wasn't strong enough to defend.

Unable to halt my momentum, I could only pray that the scantily clad beauty before me was shielded by such an artifact, sparing her from becoming my unintended casualty. Eyes shut tight, I hurtled towards her with unrelenting force.


Fortunately and unfortunately, the girl proved more than prepared for my assault. Harnessing her superior water magic and wielding her enchanted polearm with precision, she erected a formidable water shield, transforming my fiery onslaught into nothing more than a billowing cloud of steam. The arena plunged into obscurity as her evaporating shield obscured visibility entirely.

With my stamina drained to its limit, I recognized the futility of continuing the struggle. Surrendering seemed the only prudent choice before the impassive girl. Having endured a grueling 30 minutes and expended every ounce of effort, I consoled myself with the thought that I had done all I could to aid Abigail's cause.

Just as I was on the brink of announcing my surrender to the announcer, my magic flickering to near-extinction, the unexpected occurred. Abruptly ceasing her defense, the girl stood motionless, prompting the announcer to declare my victory, my blade poised precariously against Carla's neck.

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