Chapter 13. Obstacle

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"Look at all those buildings and people!" Lovetta exclaimed with delight, captivated by the endless rows of structures and the sheer number of individuals bustling about in the city.

"Settle down, Tina. We still have a few hours of travel ahead," I advised the wolf girl as Gwen confidently led the way on her own horse.

"Hours? How far are we going exactly?" Tina asked, her curiosity piqued.

"The academy is near the city center, about a two-and-a-half-hour ride. I was furious, thinking they had me come all this way for nothing," Gwen explained, her mood significantly brighter.

"How have you been?" I asked Gwen as our horses galloped effortlessly down the smooth, stone-paved road, a stark contrast to the rough terrains we'd traversed to reach the city.

"Can't complain. Things have settled down now. It was chaotic in the beginning, but life eventually returned to normal," she replied.

"I'm sorry I couldn't move on like everyone else and stayed hidden when everyone needed me the most."

"No one blames you, Ken. Your experiences were unique. I'm just relieved you're finally back," Gwen reassured.

"I wasn't planning on returning. My intention was to stay in hiding until she found me, but circumstances changed, and here I am, trying to maybe move forward a little."

"Well, whatever it took to get you back, I'm glad it happened," Gwen remarked.

"How's everyone at home?" I inquired.

"They're all doing fine. Emma's managing things back there, so you don't need to worry. Just make sure to go home right after you finish your business here in Ostrium."

As our horses charged through the city streets toward the academy, the noise and commotion made continuing our conversation increasingly difficult to the point that we agreed to resume our discussion once we arrived.

What Tina initially believed was a bustling street filled with people transformed into an even livelier scene with packed streets, carriages, and bustling businesses the deeper we ventured into the heart of the city.

"How insanely big is this place! We just kept going and going," Tina whined loudly after we finally arrived at Ostrium Academy, the city's premier institution renowned for its academic and physical education.

"Fernard is an instructor now. He was tied up with a class, so I stepped in after we got the word from the guards. Let's go talk to the headmaster and get you settled," Gwen said, leading us toward the headmaster's office.

"Is my sister here? I completely forgot we came for my sister!" Tina suddenly exclaimed as we followed Gwen.

"Tina, how would Gwen know who your sister is? She means Lovetta. I'm not sure if you two have met, but she's the wolf beastman girl I used to be with. She looks similar to this one but with black hair instead of white. I heard she came to Ostrium about a year ago," I explained.

"Yes, Lovetta did come here. She knew Fernard, so we got acquainted. We talked mostly about you, but she didn't stay long and is no longer here," Gwen filled in.

"What do you mean? Why did my sister leave? Where did she go? What about my brother?" Tina asked, her tone heated, trying to piece together the situation.

"She came to search for her brother Zeev, right? Well, Zeev left for Kirksawald months before she arrived. After finding that out, Lovetta set off for Kirksawald, and that was the last we heard from her."

Arriving at the headmaster's office, Gwen promised she'd share all she knew once we were settled while I struggled to contain Tina's impatience, preventing her from rushing ahead.

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