Chapter 5. Reflection and Resolution

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The day began with a rude awakening - quite literally. A sharp slap against my face pulled me from slumber, bringing forth an annoyed visage belonging to none other than Tina, the beastman girl.

"How much longer are you going to sleep? I had to let your wolf out when she whined at the door."

"Morning, Tina. I'm exhausted from sparring with your dad yesterday. It's been forever since I went all out," I greeted her, reminiscing about the strenuous day I had spent training with the chieftain.

The simple act of getting out of bed proved challenging; my entire body ached from exertion for the first time in five years. Tina's disapproving stare only intensified the morning's discomfort.

"I can't believe you wasted five entire years in some dumpy hut instead of training and getting stronger. How will you ever catch up to those blessed individuals if you can't even beat my father after all this time?" Tina's tone was tinged with disappointment.

"What's the point in training or getting stronger? I won't ever be a match against the top tier anyways. Doubt I could ever catch up to those who are blessed either. The chieftain is so strong yet Zeev overcame him in only a few years? No way I could compete with those people with my lowly abilities," I replied, overwhelmed by self-doubt.


"You really have changed. Candace is right about you! What a sorry excuse you've become! I feel sorry for my sister for still loving you!" Tina's exasperation was palpable after she smacked my head, as we entered the dining room.

"Morning, everyone," I uttered as Keev rushed over cheerfully to greet me, interrupting the escalating tension between me and Tina.

"Morning Ken! Hope you slept well even if I wasn't there." Candace replied as the fairy girl stopped her cheerful chattery with Ruth to greet me warmly.

"Stop trying to flirt with my sister's man!" Tina snapped at Candace, indicating that their relationship might not be as good as I had assumed.

"I will flirt with whomever I want! Besides, who even knows if your sister still loves him after witnessing the mess he's become," Candace replied with evident pride as the pair started bickering, totally ignoring the fact that I could hear all the insults that's throwing my way.

"Candace, are you genuinely interested in me? I'm starting to doubt your intentions considering all I hear are insults directed at me."

"I'm not trying to insult you; I'm merely stating the truth. It's apparent to anyone that you're a shadow of your former self. But don't worry! I see your potential and what you can regain," Candace expressed optimistically, displaying more confidence in my abilities than I currently have in myself.

"How much longer will you laze around here before looking for my sister?" Tina inquired as we gathered for breakfast prepared by Mrs. Wulric.

"I was thinking about leaving today, but after yesterday's sparring, my body isn't ready for travel. Without a teleport artifact, it will take us months on foot. Yami isn't fully grown to carry me yet, and I'm still trying to understand how her magic works. So I'm thinking we will be leaving first thing tomorrow," I explained while feeding my wolf pup.

"Already? Don't go!" Keev protested, showing his disapproval at my departure plan.

"Keev, Ken's going to find your dad and bring him back. You want to see your daddy, right?" Ruth tried to console the boy.

"Come with me, my boy. Let's hunt for some game and have a feast tonight," the chieftain invited me after breakfast. Despite my sore muscles, I followed without complaint. The moment we left the village, the freezing forest greeted us once again as we ventured forth.

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