Chapter 27. Initial Clashes

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"Come on, Ken! Time to go kick some butts!" Candace exclaimed eagerly.

"You all better cheer loudly for me when it's my turn," Tina reminded us once again.

"Eww. I don't want people to think that I know you! I'm only cheering for Ken," Candace quipped, her playful tone masking her genuine affection.

"Abigail! Make sure she cheers for me!" Tina shouted.

Hearing the pair arguing loudly had strangely become a comforting part of my morning routine as I greeted the trio and enjoyed a delicious breakfast prepared by our fancy hotel service.

"Remember your promise, Tina. The moment the protection artifact shatters, you surrender. I don't think I could face Lovetta or your parents if you end up losing an arm or leg," I reminded the hot-headed wolf girl once more as we arrived at the stadium.

"Yah, yah, yah. Stop nagging!" Tina replied impatiently, brushing off my concerns with a wave of her hand.

Having secured four seats in a prime spot, Tina and I joined Candace and Abigail in the stands as the tournament began. Unlike the biannual tournaments I participated in for years at Dragonspire, where the event was broadcasted worldwide and attracted thousands of participants, this event featured only 70 contestants.

With matches occurring one at a time and no time limit, only ending when a contestant surrendered, was unable to fight, or was incapacitated, the expected duration of the tournament was three days. The atmosphere, compared to what I was accustomed to, felt much more primal and intense.

"Why do you get to have the first two rounds off? Who did you pay off?" Tina demanded, her frustration evident.

"It's called seeding, Tina. Because I'm perceived to be strong, I get to skip the first few fights, whereas weaker contestants like yourself get to prove your abilities against lesser opponents," I explained calmly, bracing for Tina's inevitable complaints about the perceived unfairness of the situation.

As the announcer put on a show for the crowd and signaled the start of the tournament, a soft voice whispered near me through the loud cheers of the crowd.

"How much are you paying?" Carla's voice cut through the noise, catching me by surprise.

"Oh, hey Carla! Good to see you've come around on that deal!" I replied cheerfully, pleased to see the elf beauty sitting next to me.

"I'm not here for chitchat or to be your buddy. My grandfather wants to know how much you're willing to pay for that VIP access," Carla snapped back coldly, her tone devoid of emotion or niceties.

"Fair enough. You know how I earn my money with my holy level in earth magic. Name your price, and as long as it's not outrageously predatory, I'll make it happen," I offered, eager to secure the coveted VIP access.

"I'll let my grandfather know," Carla replied before abruptly vacating the seat next to me, disappearing as swiftly as she had appeared. Caught up in the excitement, the trio hadn't even noticed Carla's appearance or our new deal.

Compared to the high-level fights between top-tier fighters and heroes that I had witnessed for years at Dragonspire, the battles I was witnessing now felt primitive and lacked refinement.

While I found little amusement in the low-level battles, the girls and most of the crowd cheered loudly, fully embracing the tournament as a welcome distraction from their daily lives. Meanwhile, those with a gambling addiction placed bets on every match, watching with bated breath.

After a few matches, it was Tina's turn to step onto the stage, and the wolf girl jumped up excitedly from her seat, ready for her battle.

"Remember, Tina. The moment that protection spell breaks, you surrender, or I'll figure out a way to send you back home," I reminded her sternly, hoping to prevent her from doing anything reckless.

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