Chapter 18. Lost Bonds

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"Look at him! Hugging her so tightly! I wish it was me instead!"

"I can't even kick him when he's using her as a shield!"

With the pair chatting loudly next to my head, I released Emma from my clutches and greeted everyone.

"Take us with you!" The children pleaded as we finished a hearty breakfast, readying ourselves to depart.

Although the children hailed from the capital, many probably had few memories of their early years there, which was a blessing. In total, there were 22 kids between the ages of 5 and 8, all taken in three years ago after the dreadful raid.

"If we can arrange a couple of carriages to accommodate all of you, or else you'll have to accompany Emma back home," I proposed to the excited children, who readily agreed.

Keeping pace with the kids alongside my horse and Yami, we encountered a group of merchants headed for the capital, bringing joy to the kids as they were allowed to ride alongside the cargo.

Traveling slowly due to the heavy loads and added children, we followed the merchants, making our way leisurely towards the capital. Taking about twice as long than the usual hour-long horse ride would have taken us.

As we approached the gates, I expressed my gratitude to the merchants, paying them generously. Meanwhile, the kids were abuzz with excitement, their eyes fixed on the towering city walls.

The security at the gates was noticeably tighter compared to previous years, with guards meticulously inspecting everyone. I also spotted several magic circles, a new addition to the area.

"I hope they won't make this as challenging as entering Ostrium was," I remarked, hoping we don't have a repeat of what happened back then.

"We'll be fine," Emma replied confidently as we neared the gate.

However, just as we arrived, chaos ensued. Without warning, the guards lunged at me, causing confusion among those waiting behind us, including the two girls.

"Hey, Kev, Mel. You two have really grown up," I greeted my twin brothers, now young men.

We caught up briefly and chatted with their fellow wall guards, and I slipped them a few gold nuggets as a bonus, granting my brothers the rest of the day off.

Like everyone else, the twins were thrilled to see me and happily led the excited children, who were visiting the capital for the first time since joining our family.

Using my ability to generate infinite gold, I effortlessly won the hearts of the kids, buying them anything they desired, much to Emma's annoyance for spoiling them.

"How do you have so much gold?" one of the little girls asked, hugging the doll I'd bought her.

"He's a cheater! He can conjure gold out of thin air!" Tina blurted out before I could explain.

While Tina was resentful of my ability to create infinite gold for our journey, the kids were utterly impressed and gleefully took advantage of it.

Following a lavish lunch, we made our way to the castle to reunite with my adoptive mother, youngest sister, and the reigning queen of our kingdom. Assisted by Emma and two guards, we navigated through the castle grounds effortlessly, entering from a side entrance.

As the kids and the girls from the countryside marveled at the castle, I found it underwhelming—its modest size, simple design, and common building materials paled in comparison to grander castles I'd visited.

Upon reaching the kitchen, I spotted a woman at the sink and hurried over to embrace her from behind. Initially startled, the woman who'd taken me in as a newborn and treated me as her son eventually hugged me tightly, tears streaming down her face after realizing who I was.

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