Chapter 14. New Goal

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"How much longer are you going to sleep? You promised to take me shopping today!"

"You are not coming! He's supposed to go on a private date with me!"

"Never a quiet day with you lot around, is there?" I replied, the energetic girls' bickering becoming a familiar part of my daily routine.

A week had passed since our arrival in Ostrium city, and Tina's attitude had undergone a drastic change. Initially upset due to the absence of her siblings and my inability to teleport us to Kirksawald, she gradually warmed up thanks to the myriad activities available in this sprawling city maze.

"Hurry up! Why are you always the last one to get up?" Tina complained loudly, seemingly forgetting the intense and draining sparring sessions I had with Fernard.

"Do you two want to grab breakfast in the dining hall or in town?" I asked, trying to soothe the kink in my shoulder from the daily spars.

Fernard, five years my senior, had been someone I initially looked up to when I first joined Dragonspire as a clueless outsider. Already renowned worldwide with numerous accomplishments, he eventually became a close friend as I rapidly grew in strength. By my 20th birthday, I was on the verge of surpassing him.

Yet, fate didn't align with my expectations. While I stagnated and grew rusty, Fernard continued to surge ahead. Sparring with him over the past week was an eye-opening experience that left me with mixed feelings.

Despite the corruption, Fernard retained his original appearance but gained incredible endurance, speed, and power, amplifying his natural strengths and rendering me seemingly powerless in comparison.

The sparring sessions were no longer battles between two evenly matched individuals. His absolute dominance over me in all things physical nullified my advantages in elemental magic, rendering my spells useless against him.

After each session, I felt defeated. It reminded me of the aftermath of my fight with the strongest man in the world, Zishell Yelvaris. It felt as though my years of training and dedication had amounted to nothing, leaving me knowing that I could never reach their level, no matter how hard I tried.

However, in the midst of it all, a glimmer of hope flickered within me. If Fernard could achieve such power with only a fraction of her soul and strength, I couldn't begin to imagine what the ten enlightened ones could accomplish now. For the first time, I glimpsed a future where my demise wasn't imminent.

Sure, I wouldn't regain the spotlight or the adoration of the masses as I once did, but at least I could envision a future where I wasn't facing an inevitable demise.


"What are you spacing out for? Let's go get some breakfast in town. I'm starving!" Tina's complaint snapped me back to the present.

As we wandered through the bustling streets in search of a place to dine, we peeked into various shops. Finally settling on a crowded eatery with a delightful aroma, we ordered a variety of delicious dishes.

"So, what's the plan, Ken? You still remember about my poor village, right?" Candace asked as we settled in, awaiting our food.

"Here's the plan. Tina, head home and inform your parents about the situation. Apologize to Bailee's village on my behalf for not being able to visit as planned. Zeev should have safely reached Kirksawald without much trouble, given his strength. Lovetta is strong as well, so I'm not worried about her, but I'm unsure how long her journey will take.

"When Lovetta arrives, she should be fine in Kirksawald; she spent nearly half a year there with me and knows the city well. Besides, Osmar, the hero, is undoubtedly the strongest beastman alive. He and his wife treated us like their own children during our stay.

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