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FUKUSHU: THE YOKOZU CLAN REALLY DOESNT HAVE ANY BACKGROUND INFO. ANYTHING ABOUT THE CLAN IS ALREADY OUT THERE EVERYBODY KNOWS ABOUT THE YOKOZU CLAN ... anyways the clan originated from one samurai named YOKOZU from suki ... he was known to kill men without even having to move a foot ... the man had almost enough power to cut thru space itself until the day he died of a illness... but before he died ... he had alot of woman who he had have his offspring as he went traveling to kill during his final war .... the kid one of his women had in his hometown suki actually was born inside his hideout and he actually had notes and objectives that he wanted that one child to complete ... boy or girl that child made sure everything he said was completed the kid went by hashi yokozu ... and whats still crazy too me this day is that before hashi passed from old age he actually said that his father only said one thing ... and that was to slaughter any offspring whom he had that was weak ... he wanted every weakling dead ... this went on from months too years ... too generations ....
NEMAKAZI:wow you have to be fucked up in the head to have a mindset like that honestly. slay your own blood because there weak? just because they were weak doesnt mean anything those people could've still had yokozu blood running in them or at least some of em should've became prodgies like me & you , but now it's to the point where our clan just think like hungry savages. now we have to kill everybody in our clan because of that one day
FUKUSHU: i agree *fuku whispers to iya*
*this guy gets it* *iya punches fuku in the face*
FUKUSHU: you love punching me do you?
IYA: im going to bed ... ive heard enough ...
NAMIKAZE- what's her problem?
FUKUSHU- sometimes ... her trauma gets to her whenever its a certain type of conversation going on i guess we triggered it ...
NEMAKAZE- oh thats sad ... but it's 9 clan members left what is the plan i know there plans as well...
FUKUSHU: you shouldve said that a long time ago!
NAMIKAZE: all of the 9 clan members have split up and went to different cities two have stayed here at the hideout, the rest are in different cities ... & my father hasnt gave me info on his location yet so ....
FUKUSHU: Hmmmm ..... what about this? how bout 2 of us fight the 2 guys thats still in buya and one of us just go to a different city and kill one ... this will make it quicker ...
NAMEKAZI: i like that plan .. but should we wait till tomorrow to agree on anything? what if your girl wants to fight with you?
FUKUSHU: nahh it honestly doesn't matter ... she'll just go with her own call .... she's very integllient by the way ... thats why she was able to defeat yakari so fast ...
NEMAKAZI:so? what do you mean?
FUKUSHU: i mean that ... when IYA finds her target and learns there way of fighting and abilities she basically start taking advantage of their strength and she likes to watch them struggle to try to regain there hope in winning ... she does got a demon god & a valkyrie inside her as well ... i know her too well now you can basically say her personality's are actually twisted ...
NEMAKAZI: so we're going off her move?
FUKUSHU: yeah ... thats the only choice why do you think they call her the " DARK HERO GOD "?
NAMEKAZE: i completely understand now ... she's a quick ass adapter and she sounds truly frighting when she's mad...
FUKUSHU: right on the money

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