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*iya then swings at kaze but kaze dodges the move without even moving a inch*
KAZE: no need to be aggresive... but madam... i am telling the truth here so just sit down and listen... this poor old man has existed for years and generations and grew up with fuku's parents? ... so how would i be lying?
IYA: i will listen... only cause the fact it's about fuku and i know he's on his way at any moment!
KAZENAKI:well this will make it even better. anyways ... a long time ago it was this one man who went by " darc " nobody knew were he was from nor where he originated from ... only thing they knew was this boy who would sit in the dark all day and only go outside at night... he went to a nightschool as well ... too learn the way of strength and knowledge ... he had no parents... no one knew were he lived until the day one girl stalked and watched him go all the way home... it was a long dark walk and when i say it was dark .... it was actually the " abyss " the dark abyss at that. the girl who followed him all the way home ended up with serious burns from black amaterasu flames,a lot of wounds but not that vital she actually had to get thru demon dogs meanwhile that boy did not... matter of fact ... everything in that dark abyss they walked thru... she went thru ... and he didnt ...
IYA: oh my... why would she want to go thru that type of suffering knowing it would end up getting herself killed or wounded like that?
KAZE:yes i agree with you but... she survived...simply cause the fact by the time the boy noticed she was following him... she had already beaten him too his own home...she barely could even sit up straight ... barely could even say a word....
*iya starts to look saddened*
KAZE:the boy darc who finally had noticed her ended up running towards her without a train of thought once he touched her the light in the dark sky raised above her as she was healed ... and basically blessed...
IYA: so are you saying that she was gifted the light of the heaven?
KAZE:yeah... but more then that she basically became the mother of all heaven! but see even doe that was true she had to still deal with evil...
her life was filled with crazy surprises happy moments , life-saving moments & watching her world grow as a mom is suppose to. but as that happened she also has to deal with fighting evil but even at that time nothing couldn't phase her .. the only thing that had her phase honestly ... was when she felt that drac was dead... because after that day drac healed her ... they basically became friends then became lovers after growing up for almost 10years ... he revealed everything to her that same day... how he woke up one day and it was just dark completely silently but the only thing that was repeating in his head was " i reap what i sow " and he also told her how he first started looking around this area that nobody in his neighborhood even exist... only thing that exist there is things that he hate but its said that after telling her such a long story all she did was kiss him on the forehead and ever since that day he hasnt felt sad nor angry at the world or scared he actaully rised to the top to become known as "reap" once he truly realized what he was.. and the mother of the heavens had even told him why she was following him.. she said because he seemed so alone but not in a bad way.. she said she felt the same about the world she had friends but never really hung out with them after school barely was outside and stayed up all night till morning taking long walks  looking at the sky wondering if she should end it all here or not... wondering if she truly has the strength or not to go thru with her plan of chasing after reap... but one day... well the last day ... it was the final battle of the heavens that we know of... the day she took on the demon of the dark abyss... lucias the emperor of the 10 demons under satan.
IYA:i just can't imagine what it was like... too live like that... even if blessings and miracles happened at the end it's all hopeless... we all will sufffer at the end ... that's why i want namekazi to understand... he needs to live life to the fullest and be a leader of the new generation... i know i said it's all hopeless at the end but we all live for a reason and we all have a goal to achieve or something we want to do...
KAZENAMI:i like your reasoning.... anyways lucias and the mother fought for 10days only one could remain the victor ... the day reap showed up late to his OWN WAR... it was a war against the heavens that he started but somehow ... the mother never they fought and fought both not even close to gasping for life but at one moment they stopped fighting and the entire world got silent as that entire time throughout that fight... the mother was carrying a huge illness and her strength was starting to dwell bad simply cause of old age... after that she just fell and no one said a complete word for the next 10secs and then out of nowhere ... reap pops up.... and man once he seen her the only thing they said he did was go back into his shadow and instantly sucked everyone's shadow who can be seen inside of the dark abyss and him knowing that lucias was being sucked in as well... he killed him ... leaving him without a trace of a body... and then he walks back out of the abyss just him and his wife alone as he stares at her the sky becomes dark with rain and lighting ... but the rain was gold light and the lighting was all black... the last thing he ever said to her was ... this is all my fault ... if i didnt kill that guardian angel in the palace this war wouldnt even happened ... your people hated me and we both knew! i had no choice im sorry! i made a promise to protect you till then end! not to let you be hurt again or die! especially if its all my fault again! after that he didnt even notice until his wife kissed him to see that she was actually alive the whole time.. waiting to spend her last moments with him... im sorry reap...blame it on me.. i knew it! im sorry i just thought this would work ... i thought we could make this world better ... more peaceful less violent... nothing but happiness ... even if we couldnt get all the evil out we still couldve created enough of people for them to try and change this world... well at least we have 5! let me know who it will be!
IYA: woaahhhh so the mother had 5kids who were suppose to basically save the world from evil?
KAZINAME: yes and that's why im saying fukushu could be the one... that's why im trying to see...
IYA: what are you trying to see? weirdo.
KAZINAME:trying to see if he is actually the one who is suppose to save this world... and what way is he suppose to do it?
IYA:clearly he's trying to kill you right? i think after killing you ... honestly no one will fear him, he's been thru hell and back you know? i was there with him for most of it and im still here for him even if he's suppose to be this next " god "
KAZINAME:its something about you i like ... i dont know if it's your confidence or if it's actually two of you ...
IYA: what do you mean?
KAZINAME: don't worry we will see shortly...
IYA: answer me this ... why do you onow so much about them? why do you have so much info about 500years ago?
KAZINAME: because i've actaully been existing for 300years ..... i was there during all of it even during fukushu's birth ... the growing pills i gave my son this whole time i've had em for years... been taking em my whole childhood but nit because i was forced ... simply because i tried it once and it made me feel the power i really knew i would have if i started early... and one more thing ... i am one of the 5 and so is fukushu once he see's the show that is about to go on...

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