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My hands quickly gripped onto the thin towel, covering my exposed chest before the door slowly opened.

"Hey" Freya smiled, her face making me relax slightly.

"Close the door" I whispered, my hands still firmly on the towel.

"Sorry" she pouted, slamming the door shut.

"Why is he here?" I frowned.

"Sophia invited them over for dinner, I tried to call you" she sighed, plopping down next to me.

"Is she being serious?! He literally threw coffee over me." I scowled.

"I know, I'm sorry." She responded, her eyebrows furrowed.

My eyes left her guilty gaze, feeling confused. Its obvious Sophia likes Tom but she could've said something to me, everybody just stared. He can lie all he wants but deep down I know he did it on purpose, I'll never know why though. I came here to get away from him but now he's in my home, the one place I could relax.

"Need help?" Freya nudged, picking up my shoes.

"Yeah, thanks" I huffed.

I stared blankly at the door, the smell of fresh washing entering my room. Bill's low laughs ran through my ears, his nails scratching against the wooden table outside. The sound of my stomach growling, knowing I'd have to face him eventually.

"Foods here" Freya smiled, her head peaking around the door.

I chewed at my cheeks, contemplating my choices. I let out a small sigh before getting up, my hand trailing over the door handle. The shiny silver metal bursting through my eyes as it turned. The smell of pizza shot up my nose, bill's eyes turning towards me. A grin appeared on his face as I sat down, his jaw visibly tense.

"Did you pack everything?" Beth asked, her greasy fingers hovering over the pizza.

"yeah have you?" I questioned.

"Mhm" she mumbled, her mouth full.

"Did the coffee come out?" Bill snickered.

I ignored him, grabbing a slice of pizza. The way his voice flowed so effortlessly pissed me off, his flaws were deep within. I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of my reaction, I know he loves to see me angry. I'll never admit that I liked him, no way could I. The shame would be unbearable, he'd win then. If I'm honest I'm still shocked about the awards, I never thought he'd say something like that. Never mind tip coffee over me.

"I think she's ignoring you" Tom laughed.

"Leave it" Sophia groaned, her hands rubbing together.

My eyes moved to the television behind her, not wanting to engage in this moment. The pizza dust falling onto my lap as I ate, the crust irritating my skin. The sound of howling outside from the wind, slashing against the windows once again.

"She loves the teasing" bill added, his voice starting to annoy me.

"Shut the fuck up." I scoffed.

"See I'm irresistible" he shrugged.

"Your annoying." I grinned, my lips curling up.

"How about you go back into your room, it was better when you wasn't here" bill hummed.

"How dare you. How dare you come into my house and think you have the authority to tell me what to do." I spat, his tongue swiping against his lips.

"Shhh" he dragged.

I gritted my teeth, slamming down the second slice of pizza. My hands left the packed couch, my feet dragging against the wooden floor.

"Bye" he whispered, waving his hand.

"Go fuck yourself, bastard" I yelled, yanking my door open.

My heart raced as I dropped onto my bed, my stomach still growling for more food. The ringing in my ears growing louder as my face heated up, tears forming. I'm mostly angry, angry that he treats me like shit. I never did anything to him, nor would I wish to. Everyone just sits there, stares blankly at me as if I've done something wrong.

My feet hit against the bed frame, causing a shaking motion.

"Are you crying?" Bill whispered, his footsteps coming closer.

"Get out!" I screamed, burrowing my head deeper into my bed.

"awe, I'm sorry darling" he hummed, his finger trailing up my leg.

I shivered, moving my leg away from him as he sat down. His jewellery creating a high pitch sound as his hands moved to my sides.

"What are you doing?." I sighed, turning over to see his dark face.

Half of his face illuminated by the moonlight, his necklaces dangling over my torso.

"I was only joking" he grinned.

"I don't care, get out." I frowned.

"Do you really want me to go?" He questioned, his head hovering over mine.

My throat closed up, a lump forming as his hand caressed my neck. My breathing hitched as his lips locked onto my cheek, his hot skin melting into mine. The scent of his rich perfume gliding against mine, his body now laying in between my shameful legs. His soft kisses moved down to my neck, my eyes shutting immediately. The heat from my body elevating up to his as his hand trailed over my waist, slow breaths leaving my parted lips.

"I thought you hated me" he whispered, his hot breath falling onto my skin.

I slowly opened my eyes, his hollow ones staring down at me. I didn't want to move, leave this blissful moment. It's what I've wanted for a long time, maybe he was just joking.

"Answer me sweetheart" he taunted, his words echoing into my head.

"I don't hate you." I murmured.

A wide grin appeared on his pale face as his lips moved closer to mine, his finger under my chin. I lifted my hand up to his jaw, my thumb rubbing over his soft skin. Before our lips met he let out a low laugh, causing my eyes to open suddenly.

"How sad." He pouted.

"what?." I mumbled, his finger leaving my chin.

"You actually thought I'd kiss you? you wanted to didn't you?" He mocked.

His hands eventually left my skin, his scent no longer near me. My eyes stayed wide open, watching as he left the room. Leaving me embarrassed and confused. He did all of that to taunt me?..

Twisted love.|| BILL KAULITZ Where stories live. Discover now