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I let out a sigh as I sipped on a complimentary glass of wine, the downstairs lobby practically empty, my cover up scratching against my legs

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I let out a sigh as I sipped on a complimentary glass of wine, the downstairs lobby practically empty, my cover up scratching against my legs. The fresh breeze from outside blew in, a sweet chocolate scent following. I managed to unpack everything without having a breakdown which is a relief, after what's happening. How has one girl came between me and everyone one I know? I'd love to teach her a lesson but seeming as I'm a singer, I could lose my career. I've spent years making my band, for it all to fall apart within nine days.

My gaze moved to my phone, buzzing against my ankle. I reached down, flipping it open immediately.


"Listen, I don't know what's
going on but it's best if I leave"

"Do whatever you want
It's your bitch of an ex."

"I doubt Lauren could do
all of this. You were drunk,
clearly you did something to start this."

"no, clearly you don't know me."

"Obviously not, bye y/n."


I slammed my phone shut, discarding it into my bag below. My last option is to try and fix this, if not I'll lose everything. I finished off my wine quickly, getting up from the blue plush chair, yanking my bag up as I headed outside. The sun hit my body suddenly, an overwhelming feeling following. My eyes darted around the resort, hoping to catch my group. I caught a glimpse of Sophia, her hands swaying in the air. A smile grew on my face, only to realise it was Tom she was waving at. Him almost walking through me as if I was a ghost, a forgotten page in an old book.

I stopped for a second, watching the joy on their faces, the joy without me there. I shook my head, reminding myself that these people are my friends. I walked over to the group, everyone's faces dropping. My gaze met Tanya's, her sitting up with a frown.

"You have some nerve" she scowled.

"Excuse me?" I mumbled, my brows furrowed.

"You knew how much my marriage hurt me, I told you that in private. Just to find out you've been bad mouthing me behind my back?!" She yelled, Paul holding her arm.

"What? I never told a soul, I put it on my life!" I gasped.

"No need to lie, I guess we've all seen the real you." Freya frowned, hooking onto Georg.

"What have I done?" I sighed.

"First of all you call me a worthless whore, next you kiss Georg, talk about Tanya's marriage, threaten Lauren for being with bill and to finish off you made a tweet about all of us, saying unspeakable things." Sophia screamed, her arms crossed.

"Can't you see? This is her doing." I panicked, shooting a glare at Lauren.

"Me? I've done nothing wrong. I only wanted to be your friend." She wined, pouting her lips.

"I think you should leave us alone, we've had enough of your bullshit" Tanya huffed.

"Not before this" Freya tutted, standing up.

She rushed towards me, ramming me into the pool behind, my feet slipping. I hit the water with a splash, laughs echoing through the chlorine. I lifted myself up, my soaking face staring back at the only people I had. My lips curled down, cupping my belongings from the pool before pulling myself out of it. I hurried away, my eyes pooling with tears as I ran.

My soaking hair gripped onto my neck, the embarrassing stares from people burning into my weak skin. My shaky hands hit at the elevator button, my chest tightening, my breathing becoming heavier. As the doors opened I fell into its grasp, pushing myself into the metal walls, hoping for it to hold me. My aching body melted into the cold embrace, my hands gripping at the bar for any type of support as I sobbed. My bitter tears hit off the floor, almost splashing back at me.

I scurried back to my room, the door automatically closing behind me, my legs giving in. I crashed onto the ground, my head hanging low as I cupped my mouth. This wasn't how it was supposed to go, I was meant to be happy, have my girls by my side. Now I have nothing but the marble floor, my aching heart. I can still hear their laughs, replaying in my mind like a broken record. The taunting never ending, the cloud of embarrassment hanging over me once again but heavier.

I glanced at my broken face in the mirror, pulling at my one piece, my stomach begging for an ounce of food. I sucked up the last bit of courage and left my room, hoping to be unseen. I cramped myself into the elevator, a woman and child next to me. The heaviness of my eyes seeping into the innocent child, a warm smile being shot at me. I savoured the kindness, exiting the elevator before heading to the cafeteria.

My eyes scanned over the board, Greek night tonight. I rubbed at my growling stomach, walking ahead into the loud cafeteria. My heart sunk, seeing everyone on the outside dining area, raising a glass of champagne. Knowing I was no longer welcome, Lauren holding my place firmly.

"Can I help you miss?" A waiter asked, placing down a glass.

"Do you have a table for one?." I sighed.

"Of course, follow me" he smiled, leading me forward.

He seated me near the outside doors, right in view of them. I let out a sigh, smiling at the waiter as I grabbed a menu. Normally they don't do waiter service but tonight seems special, for everyone else anyway. I pushed up my glossy lips, scanning over the tasteless menu. A notification came through on my phone, my eyes perching up upon the screen. My face dropped, a news article about me.

My eyes skimmed over the sour article, the disgusting words that had been written about me. So now the public knows, well not the truth. I've been painted out as this bad person, an untrustworthy person. What else could she take from me?..

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