Chapter One- A Graceful Enterance

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Her name was Grace.She had finally found the Ninja.Grace had to warn the Ninja about the plan that Lord Ras and his master had. Grace found out by accident. She was just going about her business in the Wyldness when she found a secret entrance. She stealthily snuck inside and heard that they were planning to use their raw source dragon power that they obtained to find all of the other source dragons and take over the world. So Grace knew actually what she had to do- tell all of the Ninja and warn them so they can thwart Ras and his master's plans. So she had traveled for a very long time to find her way back to Ninjago and to find the Monastery of Spinjitzu, where her childhood heroes lived, or at least before the Merge. Pulling her hood over her head, Grace started to climb the many stairs that lead to the Monastery, trying to keep a low profile. Why? Because just in cause the Ninja weren't there and the Ninja might not let her in that easily. It was kind of hard to tell, but Grace was part oni. And the people of Ninjago have been taught time after time that Oni were terrible creatures. So she must be discreet and careful.

As Grace approached the doors of the Monastery, she heard the chatter of all of the Ninja, their courtyard sounding full of life with grunting and concentrating and roaring dragons. She thought about whether she should knock on the door or not. Grace looked through a small crack in the door and saw the Ninja, but they might not trust her or not. They could suspect her of something, like if she was a spy for Lord Ras' master, even though she was not. The Merge had changed things, and nothing was the same from before.

Knowing she had no other choice but to warn the Ninja, Grace fiddled with her weapon a little, a very interesting piece of Oni technology that had been passed down for generations in her family. Grace put her weapon away and took off her hood to make herself look less suspicious before grabbing the knocker on the Monastery door and hitting it against the door. As she waited for someone to answer the door, Grace contemplated if she had any real human contact in a while. She had been traveling through many realms and saw many different creatures, but not many humans. Grace longed to have more contact with humans, even though she was very quiet and often hid away. All of the sudden, she heard the enormous monastery doors open. In front of her stood Lloyd, the green ninja, holding a wooden staff. " Umm yes? How can I help you?"

- - -

Lloyd had no idea why someone would be outside the door of the monastery. He looked at the girl. She seemed about his age, and had brown hair and green eyes like just him. She wore a weird crown on her head, and she was wearing what seemed to be like a green ninja outfit." Hi," the girl said. " My name is Grace and I need to tell you, all of the Ninja, something.""What is it that you need to tell us?" Lloyd asked as the rest of the Ninja gathered up behind him. " I need to tell you about Lord Ras. He escaped Imperium during the whole end- of the world disaster and got back to his master. He somehow got his hands on raw source dragon power and they are going to use it to find all of the source dragons and use the power to end the world!" Grace informed the Ninja. "Then come inside and tell us. We need to stop them before they can do that," Lloyd told Grace as he turned around and gestured for Grace to follow him, along with the other ninja.

- - - - -

Kai looked at Grace suspiciously. He loved his little brother, Lloyd, but sometimes he was too gullible. He had not forgotten the incident with Harumi, and Grace showed some similarities to Harumi before they found out that she was the quiet one. Grace also wore green, and had a crown on her head. Coincidence? He thought not. As Grace prepared to tell them about what she heard, Kai gave her a side look. He didn't believe her at all, not one bit. He just wanted to watch out for Lloyd, just in case. He wasn't going to fall for any act...

Word Count- 759

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