Chapter 3- The Realm of Here We Go Again!

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Heheh Grace trauma time!

"So where are we headed, Zane?" Lloyd asked as the group of them ( Arin, Zane, Lloyd and Grace) stood near the steering wheel of Destiny's Bounty. "The most logical place to find a dragon, right where a realm could have merged with the First Realm, otherwise known as the Realm of Oni and Dragon," Zane replied."Well, how do we find out where that is? We haven't been anywhere near the First Realm at all, so how?" Arin pondered. "Well with this scanner I created and my prior knowledge of the First Realm, I should be able to triangulate where it is. I just have to set the scanner's frequency to high and if there are any big oni or dragon signals near our proximity, it will alert us. However, I am unsure how it will hold up once it gathers all of that energy. To make sure we found out, I have connected it to myself to give me a notification when that happens so we don't miss out," Zane told everyone as he held a small portable device connected to a huge satellite dish that was on the Bounty's deck."Then while it's scanning, we can go inside the Bounty," Lloyd informed the others."It shouldn't pick up anything for a while."

Inside the warmness of the Bounty, Grace looked around at the walls. There were pictures of the Ninja and their allies everywhere, along with some traditional looking paintings. Grace smiled when she saw them as the years went by and started to reminisce about her own past.

All of her life in a small village, Grace didn't have a lot of friends. Actually, she had no friends. The kids in her village thought she was strange, out of place. They bullied her and called her names such as "Outsider"and"Weirdo" but the one that drove home the most was "Demon Girl". But even life at home wasn't all cracked up to be. Grace was an only child but wasn't given a lot of attention like the other kids would from their own parents. It was her father. Sometimes her father, a half-blood Oni, would spiral into terrible thoughts and lose control of himself. And she knew it was because of her because once she found her father in a corner, muttering," No, don't hurt Grace. Please, she's the only reason I still live." Needless to say, Grace had to grow up quickly because of the circumstances at home, to make sure her father was alive and healthy. And Grace got scarred, both physically and mentally. She once got burned from her father's oni power and was in pain for a week. The scar somewhat went away, but when Grace puts pressure on her right hand(she's left handed) it still aches a little. And when Grace got older, her father and her mother who are both part oni vowed to help Grace control her powers early on to avoid any problems in the future. So then came hours of training, making sure she couldn't be controlled or corrupted. Grace had no time to be a kid, no time to play, but that didn't even matter. Some of the village kids saw her practicing and told everyone else that she was a witch, so she wouldn't even have anyone to play with.

Then came her fangs.

Oh, how much Grace hated being taunted for them was unmeasurable. They called her"Vampire" and "Ugly" and taunted her whenever they had the chance. So Grace would just sit in her house, trying to avoid the other kids as much as possible. Grace managed to hide them using her Oni powers and ignored the kids. She didn't care as much as she got older. They didn't understand what she had to go through, so they had no right to say anything. Grace stayed with her parents until the Merge hit. Afterwards, she found herself back in her old village, or what was left of it. To leave everything in the past, Grace packed up her things and left the village without looking back. She had to find her family, no matter what.

For the Ninja, Grace knew that all of them had suffered a lot, just like her. But then they met each other and after time went by, they became more than friends, they became family. They really knew the true importance of family, that is until the Merge happened and split them apart. But because of their good relationships with each other, they had found almost everyone. They had to be strong. Maybe she wasn't so different from the Ninja...

"Hey Grace," Lloyd said out of the blue, which caused Grace to jump."Oh hey Lloyd," Grace greeted back."I just wanted to tell you that dinner is ready," Lloyd replies as he sharply turns around to head to the dining room."Okay coming!" Grace said as she looked at the photo of the Ninja one last time. Maybe she would be one of them someday...

- - - -

Kai seriously underestimated how big the Wyldness was.

All him and Wyldfyre found was trouble, not a secret entrance. Kai massaged his temples as he looked over to a sleeping Wyldfyre. Heatwave was also there, upside down with Wyldfyre on his stomach, both peacefully sleeping away. He might have trained Wyldfyre a little since the last time they were there, but in the Wyldness she was as reckless as ever. Kai ever doubted that they would find the lair, with Wyldfyre being as hot- headed as he used to be. Per usual, Kai felt hopeless as Wyldfyre seemed like a lost cause. But that was a problem for future Kai in the morning, and he was getting tired from all the exploring they had done today. Kai was about to fall asleep when he remembered something. Grace. He had to make sure Lloyd was okay. And also check all of the security camera footage from that day. First, he called Lloyd and he quickly answered.''Hey Kai! How's it going?" Lloyd's voice projected.''Hey little bro, just wanted to make sure that you're good,"Kai replied, glad to hear his voice.

"How's it going in the Wyldness?"

"Could be better. But I'm managing. What about you?"

"Well, we're trying to locate a source dragon. So we're trying to find where the first realm could be."

"Oh ok. And Lloyd?"

"Yeah Kai?"

"Just promise that you'll be careful of Grace. You're sometimes a little too trusting. I don't want you to get hurt."

"I'll be careful. I can handle it. You're overreacting a little, Kai."

"I'm just looking out for you. Good night, Lloyd."

"'Night Kai!"

After he ended the call, Kai checked the security cameras. Nothing suspicious. But you never can tell when a villain is scheming. Ras and his master are the main enemies, but sometimes there's another villain lurking in the shadows.

The unexpected one...

Also if you're wondering why a bunch of chapters are being published on one day is because this story is also on the Ninjago Fandom, so I just have to copy and paste.

The Rise After The Merge- A Ninjago Fan Fiction *on break rn*Where stories live. Discover now