Chapter 10- The Fire Source Dragon

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This is my first post here this year! Sorry to keep you waiting!

"Go away, outsider. You don't belong here."

"Imperium should have gotten rid of you like the piece of trash you are."

"You're just a fake, I can't believe that you actually live here."

These were the words that had triggered the whole incident in Imperium.

After that day, he was labeled a murder

A outsider

Cruel and dark

A monster.

But it wasn't his fault.

He couldn't control it

He never knew that he had powers like that lying within him.

It was all fueled by anger.

But after he saw the bloody, lifeless bodies of his adoptive parents

The bodies that he had unintentionally killed

He was broken more than he already was.

He was exiled

Left to fend for himself

Until he stumbled across a humble tea shop in a ever- so growing realm, Ninjago

The old lady told him his truth and his destiny

He knew everything.

She was right, the truth could be dangerous.

The Dragon King looked out to the moon in the night sky. It was a waxing crescent that night, almost at a new moon. He had just raided the Oni village and now was back at his temple, plotting his next moon. He smirked. Who knew that the "fearless" leader of the village was such a pushover? Yoru really thought that the old him was still inside and let his guard down. That ____ was still inside. He was wrong. The Dragon King had also enjoyed the look of fear on the Green Ninja's face, one that he never knew that he was even capable of. Now they only had to have the capture of four more source dragons, which shouldn't be as hard as troops were already on their tails. Soon, the plan would be complete. He childishly played with a crystal in his hands." Sir, sir!" Cinder shouted as he approached the room. The Dragon King turned around. "What is it Cinder?" he said tiredly. "Um, the fire ninja and his student are getting closer to us. Should we do something about it? Like wait until they find the source dragon and then attack?" The Dragon King turned back around. " Do that. We can't afford to lose a source dragon." "Y-yes ____," Cinder said as he bowed down. " Shut up. Never call me that ever again. Now go," The Dragon King responded as Cinder zoomed out of the room.

The Fire Ninja would soon be captured...

Just you wait...

- - - - - - - - -

"You're so boring and lame," Wyldfyre said bluntly as they venture in the Wyldness. "Not to mention you're literally 90% hair gel." Kai sighed. He almost had it up to a breaking point with Wyldfyre. She had been so obnoxious and childish, not to mention got them in a pickle multiple times. He wondered why he had even put up with her in the first place. "Yeah. And?" Kai said tiredly. Watching Wyldfyre was like watching a demon puppy. Not that he had ever seen one. "You just are," Wyldfyre responded as she pulls herself up on Heatwave. There is rustling in the bushes, and Heatwave prompts to attack. He growls as Wyldfyre approaches the bush. Something comes out.

It is a worm. A blue worm, to be exact. Heatwave approached it, about to gobble it up. It scooted to Kai and crawled up to his shoulder. "Input search request," it said robotically. "Oh, it's one of those worms from the cloud kingdom," Kai said amusingly. "Should we kill it?" Wyldfyre questioned as she got closer to the worm, making it nervous as it scooted closer to Kai. "No, what is wrong with you? But still, it's not like it can tell us where a Source Dragon is," Kai said as he gave a sideways glance to the worm, who was starting to inspect Kai's hair. Suddenly then the worm glowed a bunch of colors and crawled off Kai and into a open space. Wyldfyre and Kai decided to follow it just in case. As they crept after the worm, they crossed a clearing with a huge dragon sleeping.

It was dark red with a orange undertone, with elegant spiky wings and black horns. Heatwave cocked his head curiously at the dragon. "Huh," Kai spoke softly. "Guess it could." "Is this a source dragon?" Wyldfyre questioned. "Think so," Kai replied. They stared intensely at the huge dragon until it bleakly opened one eye and stared at them. " You are y'all looking at? I didn't think I was so interesting, geez!" They both jumped back a little in surprise at the Source Dragon's voice. "Do you happen to be the Fire Source Dragon?" Kai asked quietly, trying not to offend the dragon. "Duh! Of course I am! I am Magnus, the descendant of the original source dragon! How can I be of service?" the dragon replied, flapping out his wings to show off. "Umm, maybe you can just keep an eye out for some bad people?" Kai said puzzledly. "Ok, no problem elemental masters of fire,"(Wyldfyre's power is a form of fire) Magnus replied. He was about to fly away when something from the bushes grabbed his angle. Kai looked closer at the bushes. There was smoke before revealing Cinder, who Kai thought resembled a silver paintbrush.

"Hello there, master of fire."


I have a lot going on IRL so I can't post a lot. Also I have technical difficulties with a computer that I write the story mainly on. There might be at least one more chapter posted this month bc I have two midterms *cries* ALSO YAY TEN CHAPTERS!

Ok now it's time for me to start typing the next chapter on my phone :D

Words; 957

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