Chapter 5: The Dragon King

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The plot thickens heheh

"How are things coming along, Lord Ras?" a cold, spine tingling voice said from a throne, faced the other way. "Good," Lord Ras replied as he kneeled at the voice of his master. "Using the raw source dragon power that we have obtained, we should be able to locate all of the Source Dragons, give or take a few days." The shadow seemed to create something out of their hands, like a crystal, its color shining bright, which was blood red. "And what about the Ninja? We know from gathered intel that the Ninja are also tracking down the Source Dragons. And two elementals are steadily making progress right here in the Wyldness, getting closer to us." The voice shattered the crystal with their bare hands, their voice getting dangerously louder.''Why have you not done anything about this situation? We could have troops watching their every move or just taking them hostage right away. Why have you not taken a step in that direction, Lord Ras? WHY?!"

The master got up from their throne, holding a sharp crystalized weapon in one hand and eyes the hue of purple that Oni have. They pointed the weapon at Lord Ras' neck, as if to dare him to make another move. The master then removed the weapon from near his neck, now assuming a threatening position overlooking Ras. "Because then they would make sense of the plan and ruin everything before we succeed. We need to be cautious and only strike when they get too close. Isn't that what the plan is, my lord?" Lord Ras said timidly, still a little shaken up from his master's spat. " I suppose so. But I do want some sort of eye on all of the Ninja without drawing their attention, if even possible of course," The shadowy figure said, turning back on their heel to walk back to their throne. " As you wish, Dragon King," Ras said deliberately while kneeling once more before exiting the throne room.

The Dragon King slumped down in his throne. He was tired of playing this Dragon King role, but it was so no one would catch wind of his plans. But he had no right to call himself a king, or even the Emperor of the Wyldness, he wasn't from there. Before a long time ago, the Dragon King had lived in Imperium when he was younger, of course under a fake name, Leo Donmagar. He was abandoned there at the gates of Imperium by his so-called mother, whatever her name was, at the age of one. The Dragon King, or perhaps Leo, was taken in by an Imperium palace guard and his family, not knowing who he really was for a very long time. He lived a life full of young nativity and innocence, until one day. He had found out that he had an elemental power and he couldn't control it, which caused major devastation in the streets of Imperium. That incident hurt many people, including Leo's adoptive parents. Later, he was brought to the palace of Imperium and was greeted by the Emperor and the Empress, along with their two children. He was executed from Imperium, to never show his face in the city ever again. After that, Leo traveled around the realms, getting into all sorts of issues, getting injured time after time. Then one day he stumbled upon Ninjago, at a tea shop runned by Mystake. That's when he found out the truth of where he was from, and who he really was. After that, he ventured once more until he stumbled across the Wyldness, and started plotting his revenge. The Dragon King's plan was simple- extract source dragon energy and use that to destroy the people that had wronged him. In fact, he was gradually getting closer to that reality. Him, the elemental master of crystals, would show no mercy to anyone.

- - -

"So can you- hup!-Do- any- cool- moves?" Arin asked Grace as he trained on the Bounty's deck. "I can actually," Grace said warmly as she watched him practice."But they're really hard ones. It took me forever to master all of my moves." Arin stopped training and looked at Grace in awe, like she was yet another ninja that he obsessed over. "Can you show me?" Arin ecstatically asked, bouncing up and down. "Well, I don't know about that," Grace said unsurely. Some of her moves were very complicated and violent, so someone could get hurt." Oh come on, please?" Arin pleaded whilst on his knees. "I want to see all kinds of different moves, like how different Ninjas fight! Pretty please with a cherry on top?" Lloyd looked over at Grace and mouthed to her,"Go ahead". Lloyd was still in pain after the whole incident, even though Grace had treated all of his wounds. So the best that he could do was to rest to slowly heal." Ok, fine," Grace gave in to Arin, who replied with excited squeals." But just keep a good distance away just in case."

Grace faced the training dummy that Arin had been practicing on. It should be pretty easy, Grace thought to herself. All she had to do was a cool enough move to hit it that would satisfy Arin. Grace pulled her hood over, getting a running start on the target. She did a cartwheel while running and then flipped over to hit the target fairly in the chest. Grace landed back on her feet as Arin gasped in shock. The training dummy's arm had broken off. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" Grace frantically apologized when she saw the state of the dummy. Zane walked up to it and analyzed it. "Your fighting skills are definitely not proficient. They are very exceptional skills, definitely equally matched to mine. And with great agility as well. Are you sure that you are not a samurai, warrior, nor even a ninja? If not, you should pursue one of those," he commented as he pushed the broken training dummy into a storage cabinet."I'm not a ninja," Grace replied as she took off her hood. " But I am an elemental master."

"Wait really? You have an elemental power?" Arin said with a pang of jealousy in his voice. Even Lloyd's eyes widened with surprise. "Yeah," Grace replied. I'm not going to tell them that I have two elemental powers, jade and darkness. That would cause some suspicion. Grace thought to herself. Anyway, she couldn't show any one of her powers, it would be suspicious. "Well, what is it?" Arin asked curiously. "It's uhh, hard to explain," Grace responded. That was true, of course, because her powers could combine together and create a bright light that can restore balance within others and anything else. It was new to her, she had received her jade elemental power right after the Merge, and probably for a good reason, Grace wasn't just sure yet. She had not reached her true potential of both elements, so they could be pretty destructive. "Well, that's so cool!" Arin replied." I wish I had an elemental power. You're so lucky!" "Yeah, lucky," Grace said. Maybe he was right. She did get very lucky. But why? Oni don't wield elemental powers, as they are powers of dragons. To be fair, Grace had always seemed a little different from the rest of my family.

Maybe it was the First Spinjitzu Master who blessed her with an elemental power.

Maybe so, maybe not.

Even so, she was truly lucky.

Words Count- 1250

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