Short Chapter #3: April Fools + Two Truths and a lie

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Okay so I was bored so I decided to post this! (I'm telling the truth mostly, but take this like a grain of salt)

Yeah it's time to trick my fellow readers >:)

With..... Two Truths and One Lie!

First One!!!

1. Wyldfyre's leg is crushed by a boulder

2. The Corrupt shows what his great scheme is, how he plans to execute it

3. Kiyoshi and Yoru go under disguise as Wolf Mask Army people to help out the Ninja. They are chased by a big statue head.

And another one bc why not!

1. An elemental master has an unusual amount of knowledge about the Forbidden Five, and uses it to their advantage

2. This time, Cinder and Jordana fight over winning over the Corrupt/Levi instead of Ras

3. Levi has lingering memories about past evils in Ninjago, being there personally even though he has been trapped his whole life.

(For these, tell me in the comments which ones you think are true or false!)

And now the prank chapter!

"Today's the day! My favorite day of the year!" Kiyoshi exclaimed happily. "Yoriichi won't even know what hit him," Izumi snickered happily. Meanwhile as Yoru got up on the other side, he knew that he was in for a long treat that day. But still, he had to put up with it.

And all day, it was raining water balloons, flour, glue, basically anything for a prank. But having dealt with this when they were teenagers, Yoru just shrugged off the attacks, avoiding them as much as possible. Even when he had lunch with Izumi and Kiyoshi as he usually did, he handled the extra spicy hot sauce in his rice ball, along with the toothpaste in his Oreos. If Kiyoshi and Izumi were trying to be secretive, they were positively failing. Yoru was not going to give them the satisfaction of beating him. He never did, his face and reactions would be as still as stone on April Fools.

"I wish Yoru would show some emotion," Izumi whined as she and Kiyoshi spied on Yoru in the Oni Village. "I wanna get a good reaction on his face for once. It's basically like he's unprankable." Kiyoshi was deep in thought as he stroked his chin. "Let's see, what scares Yoriichi the most?" The two dragon twins thought in silence for some time. "Well, he never shows much emotion, so I don't even think anything scares him for the most part. The only thing he would be afraid of would be our dad, but he's....." Izumi trailed off, leaving her words hanging. It still felt too painful for them to talk of their parents at that point.

"Anyways," Kiyoshi started back up. "It looks like Yoru has been talking to that girl a lot." He pointed at a beautiful Oni girl, who was about their age. Izumi's mouth opened to form an o. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Yoshi?" Kiyoshi smirked. "Great minds think alike. That, and I can also read your mind due to our telepathic abilities," he said.

As Yoru was talking to the Oni girl, Yugure, (Means evening twilight and dusk, which pairs with Yoru's name) he sensed Kiyoshi and Izumi, along with their plan of action. Scoffing, he took Yugure under shelter protection and quickly stopped Izumi and Kiyoshi dead in their tracks. Now holding the dragon twins by their collars, he gave them a mischievous look as he looked down to face them. "So you wanna play dirty huh?" He said. The twins looked on with a face full of shock. "Well, today is the day you're gonna pay." Yoru dropped Izumi and Kiyoshi. He then grabbed his weapon and started to chase them. "Yoriichi is gonna skewer us!"Izumi yelled as they took off, Yoru following closely in pursuit.

Some time after, Yoru returned to where Yugure was. "Usual April Fools?" She asked as she looked at Yoru's gripping hand on his weapon. "The usual April Fools," he responded with a sigh.

>>>>Meanwhile Back at The Monastery<<<<

"Hey Grace?" Levi asked Grace, who was brushing her cat. "Yeah Levi?" she questioned. He held up a container of neon pink hair dye. "Can you help me and the others prank Kai?" Grace nodded with a smile on her face. "Sure."

"Okay, so for the part we had to do, we must pour this into Kai's hair spray, and you will pour glue into his hair gel," Levi informed Grace as they stepped into the bathroom were Kai's hair products were stored. It reeked of the smell of hair gel. They quickly got to work and did their share of the prank. When they finished their prank, they ran down to the living room were all of the other Ninja (other than Kai) were sitting. "And now we wait for the fun to begin," Wyldfyre said mischievously as she rubbed her hands together. Soon they all heard the screams and wails of Kai as he stormed downstairs, his hair pink and his hands stuff to his hair.

"This is the best Aprils Fools of my life," Levi said with a satisfied sigh as they heard the frustrated screams of Kai in the background. "Same," Grace added as she held up the bottle of glue, which was heat resistant. "Well, at least we weren't too cruel."

>>>>>>>>Random Silly Prank<<<<<<

This is what it's based off:

(hold on I'll put the link in a comment)

Grace: What if I attack him emotionally instead of physically today?

Grace: Hey, Levi, get over here.

Levi: ?

Grace: plants a kiss on his cheek I love you :)

runs away, leaving Levi confused



Levi: * continues to slowly fade away from existence* Why me?

(They are just friends, no shipping btw)

Yeah that's about it! I'm not really going to play an April Fools prank on you :)Anyjays, I'll see you in the next chapter!

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