Chapter 11- Into the Dragon Hole

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continues scene from chapter 10, only the first half

How to pronounce new name- Key- oh-shee, which means pure and clean in Japanese. And Izumi- eh- zoom- EE

Kai and Wyldfyre bluntly blinked at Cinder, who appeared with the Wolf Mask Army. "Who's the old- looking person?" Wyldfyre questioned as she pointed at Cinder, who was looking at his reflection on his weapon. Cinder looked up with an offended look. "Just because I have gray hair DOES NOT MEAN THAT I AM OLD! I'm only 22." "Oh, so you're old then," Wyldfyre shouted as Kai looked on with a look of disbelief. Right now of all times... "Ugh!" Cinder scoffed."Just get them, and the dragon too!"he commanded the army. They charged at the dragon while Cinder ran to take care of Kai and Wyldfyre. Kai shot balls of fire at Cinder but he dodged them all. Then Wyldfyre charged at him, but Cinder turned into a pile of smoke and reappeared on a tree branch. "He's the master of smoke," Kai muttered quietly as he remembered his fight with Ash, the master of smoke, in the Tournament of Elements long ago.

Apparently he passed on his powers... but Kai should be able to defeat him. After all, he beat the previous master of smoke, but then again it has been a while."You know what? This is truely exhausting, so I think I'll end this fight quickly," Cinder said with a smirk as he put a gas mask over his mouth, and the Wolf Mask Army adjusting something in their masks. (They have it inside their masks) Cinder pulled something out of his pocket and threw it to the ground, creating a hazy fog. Kai tried to fight it, along with Wyldfyre and Heatwave, but eventually his body gave up and his eyes drooped as all he saw was pitch-black.

>>>>>>> And now we go to Zane and Arin, who have been forgotten for a while<<<<<<<<

(Let's recap a little- back in chapter 7, Grace, Lloyd, Arin, and Zane where separated from each other. Grace and Lloyd came across an ancient Oni village after being thrown out of the spinny- tunnel thing. Arin and Zane now have came across a completely different settlement, higher up, into the land of good- spirited divine beings.)

"Ahh, where are we?" Arin questioned weakly as he got up, sore from the fall. "I think we are right in the outskirts of a divine village," Zane stated as he examined the grand front doors, with white and gold accents, along with imprintings of the elements. "Should we knock?" Arin questioned but the doors swung open by themselves. There stood a dragon-person- with more characteristics of a human, but glowed a dull white. They had dragon horns and sharpish teeth, with dulled blue eyes and messy light brown hair, with wings. "Hello there," they said while bowing. "How can I be of service to you?" Arin and Zane looked at the person."I'm sorry, but who are you and what is this place?" Arin asked. The person flashed a welcoming smile." My name is Kiyoshi, and this is the esteemed ancient dragon village. There are others, like me who choose to take the form of a human, or others who choose to stay in dragon forms or just as a dragon. Might any of you be elemental masters, like the ones who were once the First Spinjitzu Master's guardians?" Zane walked up to Kiyoshi. "I am Zane, the current elemental master of ice. And this is Arin, who taught himself Spinjitzu," he greeted. Kiyoshi looked pleased with their answer as he gestured for them to enter. "Well then, welcome!"

The village didn't really seem like a village, more like a kingdom or city. There were dragon people all over, and dragons lying on the rooftops. There where little dragon children running around and playing, some turning into fully fledged baby dragons. In the center, there was a glass statue of the First Spinjitzu Master with some dragons surround him. Inside the statue plague, there was a replica of a golden dragon core. "Wow, that looks so cool!" Arin said in astonishment. "Actually, my family is tasked to rebuild this every year," Kiyoshi said with a smile. "Since I come from a line of elemental masters of glass.""Elemental Master of Glass? I never knew that was a element," Zane responded. "But why every year-" Arin asked but his answer was answered when two youthful dragons went flying into the statue, crumbling the glass little by little."Never mind.""Sorry Kiyoshi!" the young dragons yelled as Kiyoshi flew up and grabbed them off the statue."It's fine," they responded as they summoned all of the glass pieces to him, then reformed them temporarily to the statue. "That should do it. Just be careful, okay?" The little dragon children flew away, going towards their friends."Anyways, let's continue the tour, shall we?" Arin and Zane followed Kiyoshi through the city, being greeted by the people. Arin noticed that many bowed down to Kiyoshi and offered him things, like scrolls or food. Kiyoshi seemed too polite to refuse everything, and soon he was carrying a bunch of things in his arms and tail. "Why is everyone treating you like this?" Zane questioned as they also helped Kiyoshi carry things. "You'll see soon enough," Kiyoshi replied with a small smile.

They all stopped at a huge palace smack in the middle of the kingdom, with blue, gold, and white accents all over, with a dragon crescent right at the main doors. "This shows many similarities to the kingdom of Shintaro," Zane said. Suddenly a voice came from the doors, swinging them open as a younger girl with blonde hair leaped up at Kiyoshi. "Yoshi!" she yelled as she jumped on him, tumbling them to the ground. "Izumi, come on, you gotta stop doing this," Kiyoshi said as his sister toppled him to the ground, dropping all of the scrolls he had. Arin looked at the girl. She looked about the same age as Kiyoshi, with similar traits to him. She had dirty blonde hair in a ponytail with a framing crown, translucent wings, and a marking shard mark to match Kiyoshi's. She was wearing regal- like robes and had a celestial staff on her back. "Sorry about that," Kiyoshi apologized as he peeled his sister off and stood up."This is my little sister Izumi, princess of the kingdom." "I'm not little, Kiyoshi," Izume stated as she put her hands on her hips. "We're twins.""Princess? Does that mean you're a prince, Kiyoshi?" Arin asked."Actually, I'm the leader of this kingdom, but I don't like the term king. I took over when I was 14, after my parents passed away." Kiyoshi replied as he pushed his sister's head down.

"Do you happen to know any information about Source Dragons? Anything that could be useful to us? Someone is trying to steal all of the Source Dragons for something," Zane asked.Kiyoshi furrowed his eyebrows. "Yes, I can tell you things. Our side of the story, which is very different from the Oni village. Come on, follow me," Kiyoshi gestured towards the palace.

Word Count-1192

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