Chapter 17- Pillowmints Are Always the Answer

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Yes there is meaning to the title I promise-

Lloyd was finally all better, enough that he could stand on his own. But now they had to do something about the Wolf Mask Army, and the Dragon King's plan. They where planning something big, Lloyd just knew it. Yoru said that he might have an idea on where they could be, so a meeting was going to happen soon. Lloyd was not prepared for the meeting, as the leader that could lead them to victory or despair.

"Hey Lloyd, you ready?" Grace asked as she popped her head into his room, making Lloyd jump. "Yeah, I'm ready," Lloyd tried to reassure himself. Grace walked towards him, wearing a new outfit. "Where did you get that outfit, Grace?" Lloyd questioned. "Oh, this?" Grace asked. "Apparently Zane had an extra on his hands, and gave it to me. Pretty nice, huh?" Lloyd examined the outfit. It was like his outfit, but different variations of colors. It had many things needed for climbing, such as ropes and a hook. "Yeah," Lloyd replied. "Now let's go to that meeting."

"There you are," Yoru started as he saw Lloyd and Grace walking through the entry of their meeting area, which happened to be the huge Dragon library. "Now let's get started."Lloyd noticed that he seemed kinder, less rough. And it looked like Yoru and Kiyoshi finally made up. Kiyoshi cleared his throat as he grabbed a very old looking scroll. "First we must know thy enemy, the tale of the Wolf Mask Army and their leader!" Kiyoshi said enthusiastically.

Long before time had a name, blah blah blah come on, you all know the story by now.

The Wolf Mask Army was the Corrupt's underlings, while the hero's underlings where the Seven Source Dragons. During their many fights, the Corrupt used the Wolf Mask Army, controlling them with the Gong of Shattering and the Mallet of Shattering. He also used a very powerful staff, that could have been able to destroy the hero at its full power. The hero tried to find the Corrupt's territory, but found it wasn't in the first realm. He found him in the Wyldness, a realm within the realm of Chima, in a forest nicknamed the shadow forest, or more known as the Forest of Spirits for many reasons. Within the forest was the Shadow Dojo, were the Wolf Mask Army originated. No one knows when it appeared, but the Shadow Dojo has many powerful properties, that had unspeakable powers.

Blah,blah, blah, you all know how it ended for them, not well. But it's said that their real spirits are in the spirit forest, watching over the land and powering the army.

"So, we need to find the Spirit Forest? In the Wyldness?" Lloyd asked Yoru as he helped Kiyoshi roll up the long scroll (completely long for no reason). "Mmhmm," Yoru responded. "Well, you guys are. We have to stay here," he continued as he gestured towards himself, Izume, and Kiyoshi. "How are we going to get there?" Grace asked. "Well, I think I know what you guys can use," Kiyoshi replied with a smile. "How would you guys say about riding dragons?" (The Bounty used autopilot and flew back to the Monastery btw) "Dragons?" Grace said fearfully as she gulped nervously.

Some time later....

"Well, it looks like we're here," Arin said. "In the Wyldness, right near the Shadow Forest, right?" "The actual name is the Forest of Spirits," Lloyd informed Arin. "I wonder why." Zane searched up something in his database, whirling sounds being heard. "It is called the Forest of Spirits for many reasons," Zane stated as he started his explanation. "Long ago, this was deemed dangerous by the leaders of Chima, as it could take your soul, no turning back. The journey through this is tough, with many chance encounters of vengeful Chima spirits, so only the bravest warriors of this realm could make it through. But only few returned, completely injured." (IDK, I've never watched Chima, I'm just making stuff up.) "Well, that's reassuring," Arin stated, now looking uncertainly over at the dark, cold, erie, forest. "Here goes nothing, I guess."

"Have a safe trip!" Kiyoshi yelled as he waved to the group, along with Izume and Yoru.

As the group started to trudge through the forest, Grace stayed behind. "Are you okay, Grace?" Lloyd asked. "Yeah, I'm still recovering from the ride here," Grace responded. It was her own personal fear, Grace was afraid of dragons and riding them. She was fine around Izume and Kiyoshi, but fully terrified of actual, huge, dragons. It could have been her Oni side talking, but she was always had a big fear of dragons. Not for a particular reason, just because.

"Hey Lloyd, can I ask you something?" Arin asked as they continued to walk. "Yes?" Lloyd questioned. "What's your favorite kind of pie?" he asked. "Green," Lloyd responded. "Green is not a flavor-" Grace started as Garmadon looked on at his son with disbelief. "It is to me," Lloyd defended as they started to approach a small mountain. "Okay, now I have a question," Grace said. "What is the answer that you would give to most questions in life?" Lloyd pondered for a second before giving an answer. "Pillowmints."


Everyone gave him a staredown, sweat dripping down their faces. " Pillowmints?" Zane questioned. "So it seems," Garmadon said tiredly. "What are pillowmints?" Arin asked. "Who knows," Grace replied. "BUT IT MAKES NO DAMN SENSE!" she yelled as she lightly smacked Lloyd across the face. "So you're saying if someone asks how are you to you, you'll say I'm pillowmint? Hello? That makes no sense. And if you are on the verge of dying, and someone asks if you need help, you'll say pillowmint? DAMN I DIDN'T THINK THAT YOU WERE SUCH AN IDIOT!" "I'm sorry, please stop!" Lloyd exclaimed. "It's a wonder that you're the leader of the greatest Ninja team ever." "Aren't they the only-" Arin started but Zane put his hands over Arin's mouth.

They finally scaled the mountain, then back down to reach their destination. It was a stunning appearance. The Shadow Dojo was intricately full of details, a dark color scheme all over. There was purples and dark navy, along with millions of Wolf Mask Army people guarding the area. "Well," Grace started. "It's time to kick some furry butt."

Also since DR Season 2 is coming on April 4th, I have many more ideas for this story

Major angst, trauma, and visions of some gore to come!

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