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I thought I was dead. That's the only thing I remembered after waking up from almost a day in the hospital. I thought I was dead, because I felt like I was floating in the water. I was numb and I couldn't hear anything, my right ear was covered with bandage. I remembered the blood flew from my ear, it's the first time I bled like that, I thought I was going to die young because I lost a lot of blood.

My grandmother was crying when she saw me lifting my eyelids. My grandfather whispered to God that I was finally awake.

But when I asked them.

"Where's Ma?"

They didn't answer me and the smile on their faces faded like it's gone with the wind. I thought my mother loved me that's why I tried to hug her because I was so excited that I almost lost my life just to be with her.

My mother never visited me in the hospital after what she'd done to me. But I didn't get mad nor planted a grudge against her. I was numb and too soft for her, I only wanted to experience the love from a mother. I never met my father but all of a sudden, I met my half brother instead. It's awkward at first but when he started to visit me often, our blood tied together. I grew up without my siblings but Elliot handled me well.

I learned that we had baby sibling from my father but ended up being with the angels because of a traumatic accident my other siblings experienced. It was all because of our father. Our abusive father. Elliot said I was lucky enough I had my grandparents with me and that I never witnessed the assault my father fed to them.

Yeah I was lucky. I was lucky I became a person with disability to became a superstar. My left ear was the only functional one but my other ear had lost hearing because I got slammed on the pointed corner of our table at my grandparents' but still became successful because of my talent. I could sing and dance. I became a Kpop idol, got my first role in drama that's why I debuted as an actor too. But during my growing success, my grandparents left me. They got into an accident. Accident took many lives, and the two people who took care of me during my adolescence became the victims.

It's so painful. I had a major depression that's why I took sedative drugs in an illegal way. It's wrong but I wanted to take the pain away from my chest. I didn't want to think about my grandparents' anymore. I just wanted to float in the water again never minding the whole situations left me.

My addiction to drugs spread like a wildfire and people started to puke my name and cursed me to death. But they didn't know the pain I felt and they didn't know about me well. My agency saved me. And thanks to them my issue turned to ash. I was put into rehab and when I felt better, I was pursued by the chairman and president of Sun Entertainment to enter the military. The mandatory military service. I didn't hesitate, in my early twenties I already applied for it.

Then after two years of my service. I went back again to the spotlight, the spotlight I left after my grandparents' sudden death. I became successful in my career. I met my half brother because he'd kept searching for me and wanted to tell me that I his father was also my father.

I became one of the top artists in our country. I won a lot of accolades because of the success of the dramas and films I stared. In front of the camera, I always faking a smile even if it's just a simple smile. Whenever there's a fan signing event held for me. But I thanked my impaired ear that I wouldn't fully hear the screaming of my fans, their shouts of love for me that they'd die for me. I couldn't bear to hear some bad news about someone who'd die for me. I couldn't just...

In my dark room, I lit a scented candle. I was alone again in my own room after attending an awarding ceremony. On the corner of the room, my old guitar sat there. I sat on my bed and stared at it. I didn't make any song recordings for my solo comeback because everytime I put the I tried to sing, I felt encouraged because I felt like I couldn't hear my voice clearly. I could still able to hear but again, it's useless.

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