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Dear Readers!

Another story has been closed again. I am so proud to myself that I'd able to finish another story despite of all circumstances I encountered but I enjoyed writing this story.

I dedicated this story to our OFWs working so hard to pull out their family from hunger and financial problem, I know it's not easy to work abroad when you're away from your family but I salute you for being so brave. Indeed, you guys are heroes.

However, there are few issues tackled in this story. First one, I will never forget those sons and daughters who never ever felt the love and care from their own parents. Cheer up guys. You're not alone.

But you know the worst-case scenario? Parents who abandoned their children, and that's what hurt me a lot.

Secondly, I have to pull out again the depression as it's one of the common issues we'd encountered most of these days so please let's be strong enough to live above our demons. Third, a person with disability. I don't get it why sometimes we make fun at them when they're not trying to make us laugh. People with disabilities are trying to live even too so let's not judge them, neither laugh at them because of their disabilities. I think the issue here is we people who are physically normal but freaks inside, not them.

Anyway, this series ends here. All Jokes Aside is the third and final installment of my Imperfect Series. I already miss the Elijah men but this is far-fetched as this is my first complete series. I'll miss writing my characters, I'll miss writing my Elijah men.

Nevertheless, I will not forget to thank you my readers for patiently waiting my updates. Thank you so much.


All Jokes Aside (Imperfect Series #3)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon