Chapter 4

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The car drove through increasingly wider streets lined with tall trees. The houses became larger and more magnificent, the front yards more manicured, and the streets quieter. It was as if they were entering a completely different world. Finally, they turned into an avenue, where trees in various shades of red created an impressive display of colors. At the end of the avenue, the estate appeared, and it was indeed impressive. A long, winding gravel path led through a spacious, well-kept park with autumn flowers in full bloom.

The villa itself loomed majestically before them. It was a magnificent building made of cream-colored stone, with tall columns flanking the entrance. The windows were large and adorned with intricate ornaments, and the roof was covered with shiny slate tiles. A broad balcony extended across the front of the building, and an impressive staircase led to the massive entrance doors. Usagi and Shingo stared at the estate, completely overwhelmed by its splendor and size, while the autumn sun cast a golden glow over everything. It was hard to believe they were welcome here, considering where they came from.

As soon as someone opened the car door, they were led inside the house. The entrance area was large and spacious, with a gleaming marble floor that softly echoed their steps. Above them hung an elaborate chandelier made of sparkling crystal, breaking the light in all directions and creating a fascinating play of light and shadow on the walls. Heavy curtains made of beige velvet hung at the tall windows. A broad staircase led to the upper floors, and the railings were adorned with wrought iron embellishments. Usagi and Shingo couldn't stop marveling at their surroundings as Chibiusa suddenly ran toward them, laughing.

She was wearing a new dress from a prestigious brand. The cost of this dress could have fed Usagi's siblings for almost a month. "Usagi, Shingo! There you are!" Chibiusa exclaimed excitedly, running directly into the arms of her older sister. "You won't believe how amazing it is here! I've already been swimming, and look at the fabulous clothes I got. Plus, I had a huge ice cream, it was so delicious." Chibiusa spoke so quickly that her siblings didn't have a chance to get a word in.

But then, Usagi felt a queasy feeling spreading within her. Something was not right; she couldn't pinpoint it, but there was something odd about this situation. The warning from her mother that their father could be dangerous echoed in her thoughts, adding a sharp edge to her discomfort.

Chibiusa continued to talk excitedly about her experiences, and Usagi tried to organize her thoughts. She hugged her little sister tightly. When their eyes met, Chibiusa could see the tension in Usagi's eyes, but she didn't understand the reasons behind it. Usagi had to ensure that she and her siblings were safe in this new environment, and she was determined to find out what was going on.

As the sound of high-heeled shoes echoed on the marble floor, Usagi looked up. Before her stood a pretty young woman with shoulder-length blond hair and glasses. Her elegant dress and friendly smile conveyed an impression of wealth and confidence.

"Usagi Sasaki? I warmly welcome you; my name is Mimete, and I am one of your father's assistants," the woman began politely. "The bath in your room is already drawn, and fresh clothing has been laid out for you. Your father invites you all to a shared dinner and requests a confidential conversation afterward. Please feel at home, and if you have any questions, wishes, or concerns, let me know."

Usagi couldn't shake the feeling that there was more at play here than met the eye. Both the man who had picked them up and this assistant were too friendly. She recognized this feigned friendliness from before, when someone at school wanted something from her; classmates would be overly friendly before asking for a favor. But what could her father possibly want from her? He had everything. Usagi couldn't dwell on it any longer as Chibiusa's small fingers already intertwined with hers.

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