Chapter 13

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Seiya's head snapped up as he heard a faint rustle, and a mischievous grin appeared on his lips when he spotted Usagi. He reached out his arms. "Come on, darling, I'll catch you."

Usagi hesitantly took his hand and descended towards him. When their hands touched, the anger over him discussing her with Haruka dissipated, replaced by a pleasant warm tingling.

The two exchanged an intense gaze and lingered in their movements. Eventually, Usagi took a step back. "You... you wanted to talk to me?" she asked shyly, tucking a rebellious strand of hair back under her cap.

Seiya nodded slowly, his eyes still fixed on her. "Yes... but not here. It's still too unsafe here. Come with me," he said gently, delicately holding her hand to lead her. His grip was warm and inviting.

As the walls of the estate faded behind them, Seiya let go of her hand. Silently, they walked side by side for a while, neither knowing exactly what to say. It wasn't until they reached the edge of the forest that Seiya couldn't bear the silence any longer. He cleared his throat and turned his gaze to Usagi. "So, darling, how have the last few days been for you? Could you settle in a bit?" His words were carefully chosen; he didn't want to dive straight into the heart of the matter.

Usagi swallowed hard and stared into the darkness of the forest. "It's okay," she mumbled, struggling with her emotions. She still felt lonelier than ever in this large villa, even though Mimete and Tellu were constantly dancing around her, and Taiki paid his courtesy visit every day. Yet, she was still alone, and she felt it anew every day. Chibiusa and Shingo were gone, and she had no one in this new life to confide in.

Restlessly, she clenched her hands into fists, her nails digging lightly into her palms. She fought to maintain her composure.

Seiya stopped, slowly took her hands, and loosened her clenched fists. Now, he persistently sought her gaze, which she initially avoided. "What's wrong? I can see that something is troubling you. You can trust me," he asked with concern. He hadn't expected such a simple question to stir her up so much.

But when he said that, Usagi remembered his betrayal to Haruka. He had revealed her secret to her, and he couldn't deny that. "Oh really? Can I? Then why did you confide my secret to that Haruka? It wasn't your place! You shouldn't have done that! What if she tells someone? What if..." she exclaimed, overwhelmed by her own emotions, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes.

Seiya saw her emotions breaking free and simply reacted instinctively. He pulled her tightly into his arms, and she allowed it without any resistance. His embrace felt protective. Gently, Seiya stroked her head comfortingly as he tried to calm her. "Haruka won't tell anyone. Our secret is safe with her," he whispered softly to her, without loosening his embrace.

Carefully, Usagi pushed him back a bit, her swollen eyes focusing on his. "Our secret?" she asked in surprise, trying to understand what he meant. She still felt taken aback by his words. She was the one who had to leave her past behind and assume a new identity, not him.

A slight grin played on Seiya's lips as he looked at Usagi. "Yes, our secret. Because she knows everything. She knows how we met, who you are, and how you turned my head in the first second. That I've been thinking about you like crazy for a damn week, and how insane the thought of you marrying Taiki makes me. She knows how much I hate that I can't do anything against your connection and also that I dared to kiss you. She knows because she's my best friend, and we can trust her." While he spoke, his rough fingers gently stroked Usagi's cheek, and his touch once again evoked that beautiful warm feeling in her.

Although Seiya's words reached Usagi, she needed a moment to grasp their meaning. "You like me? Really?" she asked, still feeling like she was in a dream.

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