Chapter 67

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Taiki focused on Yaten again. "Well, since I'm meeting Chiba in three hours, we still have time to discuss everything else. You mentioned you have a lot of other useful information. What would that be?" he asked, patiently waiting for his brother's reaction.

This was the question Yaten had been waiting for the entire time. Originally, he expected it during the car ride, but to his surprise, Taiki remained silent, and upon their arrival, everyone was more interested in his visit to the Chibas. He had briefly outlined the essentials, but that was enough for the eldest to invite Mamoru for a conversation.

Yaten took another bite of his pizza and leaned back casually. "Well, quite a bit... or do you think I've been idle all this time? But honestly, I still haven't figured out everything. Mimete left me a huge stack of papers – invoices, name lists, property lists. Unfortunately, part of it is encrypted, and I haven't cracked Kenji's code yet. The conversations with her were quite enlightening. I found some of our employees on the name lists and had them checked. Unfortunately, I had to dismiss some of them. For example, we need a new manager for the cleaning company that oversees the external offices. The offices themselves were all clean, but she certainly passed information to Kenji. In the evenings, none of us were around, and she had free rein to access the documents or check the contents of the trash cans... Fortunately, the really important things are all stored in the Black Moon. This, in turn, leads me to suggest how foolish it is to grant the Chibas access to this place. It's the only retreat we have, unknown to both Father and Kenji or the Chibas."

"Yaten. Stop. We won't discuss that further. We need the Chibas on our side if we want to finally get rid of Kenji... And if the unlikely event that Mrs. Chiba is indeed Mina happens, hopefully, that will play in our favor. You know how she feels about her father," Taiki interrupted him. Sulking, Yaten made a face. "I'm just saying...." he grumbled. "Yes, and so am I. What else have you found out?" Taiki wanted to know, fixing Yaten with his gaze. It was as if he could sense that there was more to it.

"I'm on a hot trail to Serena's sister due to Mimete's hints. But the whole thing is much more complicated than expected. Originally, I wanted to have her here before you arrive, but there's currently no way to get to her..." Usagi tensed slightly as these words reached her. Chibiusa. Her hand tightly clasped Seiya's, and he reciprocated the pressure. "What does that exactly mean?" Seiya demanded answers now. Yaten shrugged and leaned back casually. "Just like I said. I know where she is, but we can't reach her at the moment," he repeated. Seiya jumped up, resting his hands on the table. "In more detail, Yaten! Where is she?" "Here in Tokyo. But I'm definitely not telling you where, or else you'll storm in there and ruin my days of planning... besides, with how often you've been injured lately, you need to get back in proper training before I even consider putting you on the team," Yaten said casually, causing Haruka to laugh briefly. "What does that mean?" the black-haired man exclaimed, giving his best friend an accusing look. "Come on, Seiya, somehow he's right. First your ribs, then the graze... you were really in much better shape before," Haruka replied, smiling.

Usagi stood up, reassuringly placing her hands on Seiya's shoulders and gently pressing, causing him to sit back in his chair. "I trust you, Yaten. After all, you've already brought Shingo back to me, and I'm sure you'll succeed with Chibiusa too."

"Good. Yaten, then please write down the most important points for me. I'll read it when we get back... and Yaten, no solo missions like with Shingo anymore. I want to be informed about everything," Taiki said with a sharp undertone. Then he turned to Usagi, "Serena, could you please get ready? We need to leave soon. Seiya will go ahead with Haruka to prepare the conference room. We'll join as soon as we're ready." A slight tension spread in the group, but no one dared to contradict Taiki. Usagi gave Seiya another kiss and then disappeared into the bedroom.

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