Chapter 80

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Slightly tense, Usagi and Taiki sat next to each other in the waiting room, waiting to be called into Dr. Tanaka's treatment room. Eventually, Usagi couldn't stand the oppressive silence any longer.

"It was quite surprising this morning. I don't think any of us saw that coming with Yaten, did we?" she asked, smiling, and glanced sideways at Taiki.

His lips curved into a smile as well. "Indeed. Yaten is always good for a surprise. I just really hope for Minako's sake that he has thought this through carefully this time. A child is a lot of responsibility, and he can't just hand it off because it gets too tough for him. Yaten has a knack for avoiding unpleasant things, and I'm afraid he's grossly underestimating fatherhood. It's not just about raising the child once it's here. There are so many other things to consider. It needs to be financially secure in case something happens to the parents, and precautions need to be taken to ensure its safety. It needs a good education and a stable environment."

Usagi's eyes widened as she listened to Taiki's explanations. She hadn't thought about such things before. For her, the most important thing had been that the baby was doing well.

"Um... Taiki, if you're already thinking about these things, have you already implemented any of them?" she asked curiously now.

"Of course," he said, giving her a reassuring smile. "If something were to happen to us, the two of them are definitely financially secure, without anyone else being able to access the money. All the necessary powers of attorney are also prepared. We just need to fill in the names and birthdates. But we still need to discuss precisely who they should grow up with if such a situation were to arise. So far, I had thought of Seiya, since Ruka and Chiru would then also keep an eye on them, but since this morning, I'm not so sure anymore. After all, Minako is your sister and is having a child herself. That means she at least knows what she's doing..." He paused in his monologue and looked expectantly at Usagi.

The blonde swallowed hard and reconsidered his words. Through her own painful experience, she knew all too well that Taiki was right. If Ikuko had left something like that behind, she and her siblings would have been spared many things. But she didn't want to rush into anything until she knew for sure who the father of her children was.

"I... I'm not sure. I honestly haven't thought about something like that yet, and if we're going to decide something so important, we should really be sure," she murmured softly.

Taiki nodded in agreement, and then finally the receptionist came and led them into the familiar treatment room.

Dr. Tanaka greeted them warmly, beginning by asking about any complaints and how Usagi had been feeling so far. Hesitantly, the blonde told her that she had been in the hospital with pain a few weeks ago, but there had been no further incidents since then.

"Well then, let's take a look at the two of them first. That must have been a shock for you. Once you see the little ones on the screen, you automatically feel relieved. If you'd like, we can try it through the abdomen today as well. It's usually more comfortable, especially when the partner is present."

Gratefully, Usagi nodded and lay down on the examination table. When the cool gel touched her stomach, she involuntarily flinched, but in the next moment, her heart skipped a beat. The doctor didn't need to explain anything because it was quite clear: there was a little human being on the ultrasound image. That was her baby, and then the familiar sound of the heartbeat reached her ears.

"Well, as you can hear for yourself, the first one is already lively. We're already at a size of about 5 cm here, and everything seems to be there at first glance," she said as she moved the ultrasound wand over Usagi's stomach. The second one was much more active than its sibling. It almost looked like it was bouncing up and down, and here too, the heartbeat sounded shortly afterward.

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