Chapter 28

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At the beginning, the atmosphere in the car was still slightly tense as Taiki pondered Usagi's revelations. Taiki could almost hear the sound of his own thoughts as he contemplated what Usagi had just disclosed. The nightly traffic passed by, only the muted hum of the engine and the soft rustling of the passing landscape accompanied the silence in the car. Taiki's gaze wandered to Usagi, who stared out the window with a thoughtful expression.

The darkness of the night reflected in her eyes, and he could read the uncertainty in them. In a tentative attempt to break the tension, Taiki finally dared to open the conversation. "How should I address you now? I mean, if your name is Usagi but officially Serena."

Usagi slowly turned her head and looked at him. "You can stick with Serena. Usagi and her past were buried the moment I sold my soul to Kenji." The words sounded resigned, and a slight bitterness resonated in her voice, as if this part of her was lost forever.

The drive continued mostly in silence. When they finally reached the Kou Tower, Taiki parked the car in front of the entrance, and they got out. The cool night wind mixed with the tension as Taiki escorted Usagi to the entrance of the tower.

"I'll hurry and be back as soon as possible," Taiki promised, and his eyes briefly searched hers. Usagi smiled weakly and nodded. "Don't stress. I'll manage."

Taiki gave her a parting kiss on the cheek as usual, hurried back to the car, and drove away quickly. The city lights glided past him as he headed to the airport hotel, trying to sort out his thoughts. The revelations about Usagi's true identity had shaken him to the core, and the familial connection to the Chibas was an unexpected twist he hadn't seen coming. It would bring complications, he sensed that already. But for now, he needed to think about Amy; she mustn't leave for Zurich, and he would worry about everything else later.

On the way, he noticed a small flower shop. Although it was already closing, Taiki rushed in and purchased a huge bouquet of all the remaining roses and armed himself with it on his way to the hotel.

The subdued lighting of the lobby bathed the scene in a warm atmosphere. A young woman at the reception looked up at him. "Good evening, Mizuno. My wife checked in today in room 2203, and I would like to surprise her. Could you please issue a second key card?" Taiki said calmly.

The woman looked him up and down as if trying to assess the seriousness of his request. After a brief moment, she began typing something into her computer. "I'm sorry. Mrs. Mizuno only ordered one key card, and there's no note indicating that a second one may be issued."

Taiki's eyes wandered to her name tag, and he felt the pressure in his chest. "Yuna, I wouldn't ask if this weren't really important. The love of my life is about to make a big mistake, and I need one last chance to talk to her. Please, allow me this."

She glanced around furtively, as if making sure no one would witness her decision, and then discreetly slid an additional key card across the counter. "You're lucky that I have a weakness for romantic men," she whispered, and Taiki couldn't help but offer a grateful smile as he held the card in his hands. He knew how stubborn Amy could be, and if her phone was already off, he was sure she wouldn't open the door for him.

With a brisk step, Taiki walked to the elevator and went up to the second floor. Before the door to Room 2203, he hesitated for a moment. His heart was beating fast, and he felt the excitement rising within him. But then he gathered his courage, inserted the key card into the lock. The quiet click of the door opening accompanied the moment he decided to fight for the woman who owned his heart. Taiki entered the room without knocking. The room was only lit by the subdued light from the corridor. Amy was sitting at the small desk, her gaze fixed on a piece of paper. When she saw Taiki, she froze. Surprise and uncertainty widened her eyes.

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