Chapter 88

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Complete darkness surrounded him as he awoke. His body ached, and he could barely sit up. The last thing he remembered was a loud bang, followed by his body being thrown through the air, followed by a hard impact. The last thing he had been doing was standing by the window, and the force of the blast had thrown him out of the building. Slowly, he looked around. He found himself in a ruin of rubble and destruction. Slowly, he pulled himself up, even though a stabbing pain shot through his ribs and each breath was difficult. He couldn't stay lying here. It would take forever to find help, and he was alone. In the next moment, a wave of panic washed over him. Minako had been in the middle of the building when the explosion occurred, the realization hit him hard. He had to find her; that was all that mattered to him now. He couldn't lose her again.

Even though the pain was almost unbearable, he fought his way into the building. There was a oppressive silence. Yaten could barely hear anything, just faintly distant noises. He didn't know how long he had been lying outside, but it must have been hours, judging by the time of day. Slowly and with determined steps, he made his way further through the rubble, squeezing through a small gap in the masonry to gain access to the ruin. Searching, he looked around. For him, it was clear that he was in the remains of the staircase, and he aimed for the large cafeteria where he had last seen her. But getting through here was not easy. Large boulders blocked his path, but he gradually made his way through them.

"Mina? Mina, are you still here somewhere?" he shouted loudly, hoping she would answer him from the other side. "Yaten? We're here," instead, Seiya's voice sounded behind him, and he spun around. His brother emerged from a niche under the stairs. "Thank goodness, you're okay. Where's Taiki? You were both still upstairs when everything blew up." Yaten sorted his thoughts; Taiki had been with him, but he hadn't seen him outside. "I don't know, but where's Minako? And why are you alone?" Seiya frowned. "Amy and Usagi are still here, back under the stairs. It took a long time, but they fell asleep some time ago. But I don't know where Minako is. She must be on the other side," he replied, pointing to the blocked passage. "But I wonder how you got here? I searched everything here earlier, but I didn't find a way out."

Yaten nodded in the direction he had come from. "There's a crack that leads outside. It was close, but I somehow made it. So, help me, I have to find Minako," he replied curtly, and began to clear the door.

He pushed his pain into the background; the only thing that counted for him now was the way to her.

Seiya recognized the determined expression on his brother's face and knew that nothing and no one could stop him from making his way to her. So, he did what Yaten asked of him. Together, they were actually able to move the large debris and boulders, and although it was hard work, they slowly made progress, piece by piece. Their hands were torn in many places, and gradually their fingers grew heavy. But the youngest didn't think about stopping, because the way to the passage was clear. His goal was getting closer and closer.

He knew he would find her; he had a feeling. Besides, she couldn't be dead. Seiya said Amy was okay, so he was sure she would take care of Minako if needed. The thought that she might be dead was out of the question for him.

Finally, the time had come. The gap above the former door was big enough for Yaten to pass through. With quick steps, he climbed the rubble pile and hung into the hole that led to the other side. "I'm going to find Mina now. Try to make some more space here... she... well, you know she needs a little more space right now," he called out to Seiya as he carefully slid down.

The air on this side of the wall was significantly thicker and heavier, even though the dust and ash had settled, Yaten found it hard to breathe. The fires seemed to be under control for the most part; he could only spot small embers that provided little light. He slowly moved forward. "Mina? Mina, can you hear me?" he shouted, but there was no answer.

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