Chapter 23

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Usagi trembled all over as they arrived at Taiki's apartment. The nervousness within her kept escalating because she knew exactly what awaited her now, and it seemed like hardly anyone could change that – the wedding night. She was about to lose her virginity to Taiki.

Taiki opened the apartment door, smiling down at her. Usagi peeked past him carefully and realized why he suddenly smiled. Apparently, someone had been busy with the apartment. The usually sparsely decorated space was flooded with helium balloons, scattered flower petals lay on the floor, and a long row of electric candles illuminated the path to the back rooms.

In the next second, Usagi found herself in Taiki's arms. "What are you doing? Put me down," she laughed, momentarily forgetting the tension. "Well, if we're doing this, we might as well do it right. We don't want to tempt fate, so I have to carry the bride over the threshold," he said, grinning, as he entered the living room with her.

Then Usagi began to squirm. "Let me down; I'm way too heavy... besides, this monstrosity of a dress is incredibly unwieldy. You can hardly see anything in it."

Taiki gently set her back on her feet. He wanted to ease her tension, but realized it wasn't that easy. Still, he was aware of his duty because he knew both his father and father-in-law very well. He knew they wouldn't easily accept his word. Too much was at stake with this contract. He would have to sleep with her, even if it felt somewhat repulsive. If she decided to stop, he wouldn't force her into anything, that he had firmly decided.

Usagi looked at the wedding decorations in the apartment, avoiding Taiki's gaze. "Would you like something to drink?" he asked as he made his way to the fridge. Usagi thought for a moment, even though it was pointless, she tried to buy some time. "Yes, please."

A little later, Taiki handed her a glass of champagne. "So, we've already gotten through the worst, Mrs. Kou," he said calmly, toasting with her.

Usagi's throat suddenly felt dry, and a strange discomfort overwhelmed her. The worst? Hardly, she thought, that was still to come in her eyes. She took a big sip, hoping that this slightly panicked feeling would fade away.

Meanwhile, Taiki had taken off his jacket, hung it over the back of a chair, and loosened his tie. He observed her attentively. "Don't you want to make yourself a bit more comfortable too?"

A blush flashed across Usagi's face. "I... um... Well... that... that's not so easy in such a dress," she began hesitantly.

However, Taiki didn't seem to understand what she was getting at. A questioning expression adorned his face.

"I can hardly move with the tight lacing. I can't even reach my feet to take off my shoes because the multiple layers of tulle are constantly in the way... and this hoop skirt is extremely uncomfortable when sitting," she explained to him.

Smirking, Taiki approached, took her hand gently, and led her carefully along the illuminated path of candles. "I'm afraid I'll have to help you then."

Usagi's heart pounded wildly as the bedroom door opened before her. Here too, everything was romantically decorated in pure white ambiance. White rose petals, candles, and a white-covered bed. Now, they stood facing each other, locking eyes. Usagi knew the moment had come. Further delay was no longer possible. Slowly, she turned around.

"You have to loosen the lacing from bottom to top. Then we can open the hoop skirt and finally strip the dress down. At least, that was Tellu's explanation," she whispered, and she already felt Taiki's fingers placing themselves on her hips.

"I know," he breathed into her ear from behind, his warm breath brushing over her neck.

Usagi closed her eyes, summoning images of Seiya in her imagination. She pictured him being the one helping her out of the dress, and with each loosened lace, she felt a growing excitement.

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