Chapter 49

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Usagi wandered through the dressing room, examining the neatly arranged clothes. It was still unfamiliar to her that Petzite now stood beside her, having prepared a selection. Her thoughts briefly drifted to Tellu, but she pushed them aside. Today had to be perfect. She couldn't afford any mistakes in front of her father-in-law, she kept telling herself.

"I think you should try this. It's simple, but with the right accessories, it should be suitable for a family Christmas dinner," Petzite suggested, handing her a long, simple black dress with sleeves.

Not particularly motivated to discuss her wardrobe, Usagi simply nodded, allowing her new stylist free rein. So far, Petzite had demonstrated excellent taste. Petzite attempted some light small talk, and Usagi welcomed the distraction. Time flew by, and they were almost done with Usagi's styling when Taiki joined them.

"You look stunning, Serena. Are you ready? Can we go?" he asked.

Petzite glanced at Usagi once more, placed a necklace around her neck, and nodded contentedly. "Yes, I think she's ready."

She then approached Taiki, taking a few steps toward him and straightening his tie. "And you're ready now too. I wish you both a lot of enjoyment," she said as she bid them farewell.

It was the first time Usagi and Taiki were alone since Christmas Eve. An odd silence settled between them. Taiki put on a friendly, inviting smile and offered his arm to ease the situation. "May I?"

Usagi linked arms with him, and together they headed to the car.

"Serena, you don't need to be nervous. Everything will be fine, trust me. Seiya will come with Yaten, and once Father receives the news of the pregnancy, he'll be more than satisfied," he tried to reassure her.

"But what if Seiya can't control himself?" Usagi expressed her concerns.

"He will. After all, he stood in the front row at our wedding without revealing himself."

Usagi nodded thoughtfully, and Taiki started the car. Shortly afterward, they arrived at the Kou family estate, and only now did Usagi realize she had never entered it before. In contrast to Kenji's large, old villa, a highly modern new building extended before Usagi. The flat roof of the villa gave it a contemporary and sleek design. Large, impressive glass fronts traversed the structure. The clear lines and minimalist design of the architecture emphasized the building's modern aesthetic.

The huge parking lot in front of the villa was filled with many expensive cars, among which Taiki skillfully parked. Taiki could sense Usagi becoming more tense. He then placed his hand on hers. "Take it easy. I'm with you, and Seiya will be here soon. We can handle this. Ready?"

Usagi met his gaze and drew some strength from it. "Yes, ready."

They got out, and Taiki took her hand, interlocking his fingers with hers, leading her to the door. Both were somewhat nervous, but they were well aware of the importance of the upcoming meal. Taiki soothingly stroked her hand with his thumb. A servant opened the door for them before they even reached it.

"Mr. Kou, nice to see you again. Your father is expecting you in the dining room."

Taiki nodded in gratitude to the woman and led Usagi through the grand hallway. The sparse decoration, similar to Taiki's previous apartment, gave the building a certain sterility. It lacked the festive ornaments typically seen during the Christmas season. Usagi observed everything with wide eyes, letting Taiki guide her.

As they entered through a large double door, Taiki paused for a moment. Kakashi sat at the large table, and next to him was a woman.

The woman, middle-aged, exuded remarkable elegance. Her brown hair, similar to Taiki's, was well-kept, falling in gentle waves over her shoulders. Despite her seriousness, her brown eyes gave her a warm expression. The smile she directed at Usagi inevitably reminded her of Seiya. It was a lively smile, radiating a certain joy and carefreeness. Taiki then resumed his movement, leading Usagi behind him.

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