Chapter 35

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Usagi blinked tiredly and slowly woke up. A glance to the side revealed that Taiki had already gotten up since the bed next to her was empty. She got up slowly, draped her morning robe over herself, and tiptoed into the living room.

There, Taiki sat at the table, engrossed in a newspaper, and just like the evening before, she sensed that peculiar smell in the air. Sniffing, she followed the scent to the table. Suspiciously, she pulled Taiki's coffee cup a bit closer and smelled it. Looking at her thoughtfully, he asked, "Do you want a coffee too?" However, Usagi just grimaced and pushed the cup back to him. "No, I think I'll stick to tea. But tell me, do you have a new type of coffee beans, or is this machine different from the one downstairs?" she asked, still fixated on the black brew in his cup. "No, why would you think that? Same machine, same beans," Taiki replied, mildly amused. "I don't know; it just smells strange, pungent somehow," Usagi said, wrinkling her nose.

Taiki lifted the cup and smelled it too, then took a demonstrative sip. "Smells normal and tastes normal," he replied with a gentle smile. Eventually, Usagi sat down on the chair opposite Taiki, still lost in thought. "Maybe I'm just not fully awake yet." Taiki set the newspaper aside and looked at Usagi attentively. "A coffee might actually help with that. So, what else do you have planned for today?"

Usagi, still pondering the peculiar coffee scent, shifted her gaze to Taiki. "Oh, I'm not sure. I thought I'd continue arranging the apartment. There are still a few boxes waiting to be opened." Taiki nodded approvingly. "That sounds like a good plan. Anything else on your agenda?" Usagi thought for a moment. "In the early afternoon, I have an appointment to inspect the premises for the food distribution of our homeless project. We need to clarify some details and see if everything fits as I envision."

Taiki stood up and handed her a white envelope with delicate golden decorations from the kitchen counter. "This invitation was in the mailbox yesterday. It's an event that takes place annually for the wives of wealthy men in Tokyo. It's about exchanging ideas on charity projects and similar topics. I think it would be a good opportunity for you to make new contacts."

Usagi curiously opened the envelope and skimmed over the elegant text of the invitation. Her eyes scanned the lines as the words registered with her. Suddenly, she froze when she noticed the date. "It's tomorrow night! I really don't know if it's such a good idea..." she began, and the thought that Taiki was still unaware of her stylist's machinations came to the forefront. The fact that she had been deceived still gnawed at her, but she didn't want to address the issue for the time being.

Taiki, noticing her strange reaction, approached and gave her a fleeting kiss on her hairline. "You can think about it calmly. It's a good opportunity, but no one will pressure you into anything. There are many similar events, and if it doesn't fit tomorrow, you can just go to the next one. I'm sorry, but I have to leave; the conference starts soon. It might be late when I return; you don't have to wait up for me."

Usagi nodded and watched him thoughtfully as he left. Then she decided to continue unpacking the boxes in the bathroom. She replaced her morning robe with comfortable clothes, and her hands delved into the cardboard, bringing their contents to the surface. Shampoo, perfume, creams, and numerous towels were neatly placed in the cabinets. Suddenly, she came across a small bag containing pads and tampons. She paused for a moment, began to count.

Since irregular cycles were normal for her due to her life on the streets, she pushed aside the thought of a possible pregnancy. Being four days late was entirely normal for her—no reason to worry, she assured herself, and placed the bag in one of the drawers.

Only when she unpacked the last box in the bathroom did she decide to take a break. Somehow, she felt more exhausted than usual. She glanced at the clock – still two hours until her appointment. The sofa in the living room beckoned invitingly, and Usagi decided to lie down for a short while. She pulled the thin blanket over herself and fell asleep within minutes.

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