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Riya and I hurried through the college corridors, the distant echoes of applause reminding us that the award ceremony had already begun. Time seemed to slip through our fingers like sand as we quickened our pace. The auditorium's doors loomed ahead, and my heart raced with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety.

"Come on, Tara, we can't miss it!" Riya urged, her steps mirroring my own as we weaved through the bustling crowd. The sunlight painted streaks across the floor, creating a sense of urgency that matched our hurried footsteps.

Apologies and polite smiles were exchanged as we maneuvered through clusters of people, our eyes scanning for any sign of the coveted auditorium entrance. The muffled sounds of speeches and applause grew louder with every step, a constant reminder that time was not on our side.

Finally, we reached the entrance, the grand doors slightly ajar. With a shared glance, Riya and I exchanged a breathless laugh, relieved to have made it. As we slipped into the dimly lit auditorium, the warmth of the spotlight revealed rows of expectant faces.

Our hearts still pounding, we discreetly found our seats, the air thick with the excitement of the ceremony. Despite the rush, a sense of accomplishment washed over us, and I couldn't help but smile at Riya, grateful we had made it in time to witness the recognition we worked so hard to achieve.

The auditorium buzzed with anticipation as the host on stage declared, "Now, we will ask our respective director to say a few words." My eyes shifted towards the director, who rose from his seat with a dignified air. He moved gracefully towards the podium, acknowledging the achievements of those who excelled in the previous academic year and urging the rest to persevere. Despite his eloquence, I found myself distracted, my attention hijacked by a figure seated on the stage.

As the director shared his words from the podium, I couldn't help but sense a pair of eyes fixated on me. My attention veered away from the formalities, drawn to the guy seated on the seat next to the college dean. His dressing sense exuded formality, each detail carefully chosen. Yet, what intrigued me more was the precision with which his eyes seemed to dissect me.

As I observed the guy in front of me, his features seemed to come into sharp focus. His eyes, a shade that hinted at both mystery and warmth, held a captivating intensity. The way his expression shifted subtly revealed a complexity that intrigued me.

His hair, neatly styled, framed a face that carried a certain quiet confidence. There was an undeniable symmetry to his features, creating a harmony that drew my attention. A well-groomed beard accentuated the lines of his jaw, adding a touch of rugged charm to the overall composition.

In his silent scrutiny, I felt like a canvas under the gaze of an artist, every nuance of my being being meticulously observed. His formal attire hinted at a deliberate choice, perhaps signaling the importance he attributed to this moment. As the director's voice faded into the background, the intensity of his stare lingered, leaving me both flustered and captivated.

I couldn't decipher his motives, but the way he appraised me made the air crackle with unspoken curiosity. It wasn't just a casual glance; it was a deliberate exploration that left me wondering about the stories he might be concocting in his mind.

Our eyes locked for a fleeting moment, and then he broke the connection as his name echoed through the hall.


The guy, now called to felicitate students with certificates of excellence, rose from his seat with a composed demeanor. Making his way towards the podium, he embarked on his speech, a blend of humility and inspiration.

As he addressed the audience, I could sense a genuine warmth in his words. He congratulated each student, recognizing their hard work and achievements. His journey became a shared narrative, revealing that he was once seated where the students now sat. The realization that he, too, had walked these halls and faced similar challenges bridged the gap between the stage and the audience.

A scoff resonated from beside me, prompting me to glance sideways. There, a guy sat, a mischievous glint in his eyes. As our eyes met, he couldn't suppress a smile.

"I find him quite funny," he remarked, nodding subtly towards the stage. It took a moment for me to process his words, prompting a puzzled look from him. Realizing my confusion, he leaned in and elaborated.

"Rajveer, the guy on stage. Back in college, he was quite the troublemaker, always pranking professors and causing a stir. But now, suddenly he's a big shot, and everyone loves him," he explained, his tone a mix of amusement and nostalgia. His words painted a picture of a mischievous past, contrasting sharply with the present adoration for Rajveer.

Intrigued by his insider knowledge, I turned to the guy beside me and asked, "How do you know all this?" He grinned mysteriously and replied, "Well, let's just say I have my sources."

With a hint of playfulness, he extended his hand towards me, introducing himself as Yash. I accepted his handshake, expecting the usual exchange of pleasantries. However, Yash held onto my hand a fraction longer than customary. His gaze locked onto mine, a lingering smile playing on his lips.

Clearing my throat to break the subtle connection with Yash, I was caught off guard as my name echoed through the room. I turned to find Rajveer's eyes fixed on me, a certificate in hand, awaiting my presence on stage for recognition of my excellent performance in the previous academic year.

Withdrawing my hand from Yash's, I made my way toward the stage, conscious of the eyes that followed my every step. As I reached the podium, Rajveer handed me the certificate with a congratulatory smile. I couldn't help but feel the intensity of his gaze, a silent acknowledgment of the achievement being celebrated.

Amidst the loud clapping and whistles, my attention was drawn to Yash, who was cheering enthusiastically for me. The raucous support seemed to catch the eye of my friend Riya, who side-eyed Yash and shot him a bewildered look, silently asking, "Are you crazy?"

As I turned my gaze towards Rajveer, I found his eyes fixed on Yash, a darkness overshadowing his usual composure. Rajveer inhaled deeply, a subtle tension in the air, and then, as if shaking off the moment, he looked back at me with a smile. Extending his hand, he whispered my name, "Tara."

I took his hand, our whispered exchange adding a layer of intimacy to the already charged atmosphere.

"Rajveer," I replied, the weight of unspoken emotions lingering in the air.

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